@article{fdi:010064036, title = {{E}xtending networks of protected areas to optimize connectivity and population growth rate}, author = {{A}ndrello, {M}arco and {J}acobi, {M}. {N}. and {M}anel, {S}. and {T}huiller, {W}. and {M}ouillot, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}rotected areas ({PA}s) are recognized as the flagship tool to offset biodiversity loss on {E}arth. {S}patial conservation planning seeks optimal designs of {PA}s that meet multiple targets such as biodiversity representation and population persistence. {S}ince connectivity between {PA}s is a fundamental requirement for population persistence, several methods have been developed to include connectivity into {PA} design algorithms. {A}mong these, the eigenvalue decomposition of the connectivity matrix allows for identifying clusters of strongly connected sites and selecting the sites contributing the most to population persistence. {S}o far, this method was only suited to optimize an entire network of {PA}s without considering existing {PA}s in the new design. {H}owever, a more cost-effective and realistic approach is to optimize the design of an extended network to improve its connectivity and thus population persistence. {H}ere, we develop a flexible algorithm based on eigenvalue decomposition of connectivity matrices to extend existing networks of {PA}s while optimizing connectivity and population growth rate. {W}e also include a splitting algorithm to improve cluster identification. {T}he new algorithm accounts for the change in connectivity due to the increased biological productivity often observed in existing {PA}s. {W}e illustrate the potential of our algorithm by proposing an extension of the network of approximate to 100 {M}editerranean marine {PA}s to reach the targeted 10% surface area protection from the current 1.8%. {W}e identify differences between the clean slate scenario, where all sites are available for protection, irrespective of their current protection status, and the scenario where existing {PA}s are forced to be included into the optimized solution. {B}y integrating this algorithm to existing multi-objective and multi-specific algorithms of {PA} selection, the demographic effects of connectivity can be explicitly included into conservation planning.}, keywords = {{MEDITERRANEE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cography}, volume = {38}, numero = {3}, pages = {273--282}, ISSN = {0906-7590}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1111/ecog.00975}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064036}, }