@article{fdi:010064029, title = {{M}obility of {P}b, {Z}n and {C}d in a soil developed on a carbonated bedrock in a semi-arid climate and contaminated by {P}b-{Z}n tailing, {J}ebel {R}essas ({NE} {T}unisia)}, author = {{S}ouissi, {R}. and {S}ouissi, {F}. and {G}horbel, {M}. and {M}unoz, {M}arguerite and {C}ourjault-{R}ade, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}b-, {Z}n- and {C}d-bearing particles from the flotation tailing heaps of {J}ebel {R}essas mine are carried by wind and water toward the surrounding agricultural areas. {T}hese crop-producing areas are made of fersialitic soils and developed on carbonated bedrock. {T}he risk of ecotoxicity depends on the bioavailability fraction of metals which is closely related to their physicochemical and biological environment. {T}he objective of this study was to assess the contamination of the soils surrounding the waste dumps and to estimate the bioavailable fraction of metals present in these soils. {T}he flotation tailings display big amounts of {Z}n, {P}b and {C}d, averaging 7.11 %, 2.30 % and 290 mg kg(-1), respectively. {T}he concentrations found in soils reach 6.3 % {Z}n, 2.3 % {P}b and 290 mg kg(-1) {C}d. {A}nalyses of the samples taken between surface and bedrock show that {P}b and {Z}n may reach concentrations as high as 900 mg kg(-1) 2 m below surface. {S}imple extraction tests show that with deionized water only {Z}n is mobile, with 0.02-0.03 mmol l(-1) released from soil. {T}he mobilization of contaminants by organic acids, secreted by plants in the rhizosphere, is potentially higher than that achieved in the presence of percolating waters.}, keywords = {{F}lotation tailings ; {H}eavy metals ; {C}arbonated soil ; {S}imple extraction ; test ; {K}inetic leaching ; {TUNISIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {E}arth {S}ciences}, volume = {73}, numero = {7}, pages = {3501--3512}, ISSN = {1866-6280}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s12665-014-3634-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064029}, }