@article{fdi:010063979, title = {{H}ydrogeochemical features of {L}ake {N}gozi ({SW} {T}anzania)}, author = {{D}elalande-{L}e {M}ouellic, {M}. and {G}herardi, {F}. and {W}illiamson, {D}avid and {K}ajula, {S}. and {K}raml, {M}. and {N}oret, {A}. and {A}bdallah, {I}. and {M}wandapile, {E}. and {M}assault, {M}. and {M}ajule, {A}. and {B}ergonzini, {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}ocated on the triple rift junction hosting the {K}aronga-{U}sungu depression in {T}anzania, {L}ake {N}gozi is the second largest crater lake of the {E}ast {A}frican {R}ift. {T}he lake has a number of peculiar features: it has a near constant water level, no permanent surface inlets and outlets, it is vertically well-mixed, with homogeneous distribution of temperature and chemical composition, and it is characterised by near neutral to slightly acid {N}a-{CI} waters of comparatively high salinity and high {P}-{CO}2. {B}ased on the different chemical signature of surface and ground waters (low-{CI} type) from lake waters, mass balance methods have been applied to investigate lake dynamics. {W}ater enters the lake mainly by precipitation and groundwater inflow, and leaves by groundwater outflow and evaporation. {A} large groundwater outflow of 2.4 m yr(-1) has been estimated. {T}he high salinity, {N}a-{CI} signature of {L}ake {N}gozi waters, together with {H}e-3/{H}e-4 ratios measured on dissolved gases (between 7 and 8.3 {R}a) and high-{P}-{CO}2 values estimated all along the water vertical column indicate the inflow of deep-seated fluids, likely magmatic in origin, into the lake. {T}he existence of a hydrothermal system possibly at 250 degrees {C} in the root of the volcanic edifice is also hypothesised on the basis of solute geothermometry. {D}espite the current lack of vertical stratification, the lake is suspected to act as condenser for {CO}2 and other gases of deep magmatic origin, and should be then further monitored for the risk of limnic eruptions as well as for environmental and climatic concerns.}, keywords = {{N}gozi ; {C}rater lake ; {I}sotopes ; {H}ydrological balance ; {I}norganic carbon ; {E}ast {A}frican {R}ift ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{EST} ; {TANZANIE} ; {NGOZI} {LAC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}frican {E}arth {S}ciences}, volume = {103}, numero = {}, pages = {153--167}, ISSN = {1464-343{X}}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2014.11.004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063979}, }