@article{fdi:010063978, title = {{A}ncyrocephalidae ({M}onogenea) of {L}ake {T}anganyika. {IV}. {C}ichlidogyrus parasitizing species of {B}athybatini ({T}eleostei, {C}ichlidae) : reduced host-specificity in the deepwater realm ?}, author = {{P}ariselle, {A}ntoine and {M}uterezi {B}ukinga, {F}. and {V}an {S}teenberge, {M}. and {V}anhove, {M}. {P}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}ake {T}anganyika's biodiversity and endemicity sparked considerable scientific interest. {I}ts monogeneans, minute parasitic flatworms, have received renewed attention. {T}heir host-specificity and simple life cycle render them ideal for parasite speciation research. {B}ecause of the wide ecological and phylogenetic range of its cichlids, {L}ake {T}anganyika is a "natural experiment" to contrast factors influencing monogenean speciation. {T}hree representatives of {B}athybatini ({B}athybates minor, {B}. fasciatus, {B}. vittatus), endemic predatory non-littoral cichlids, host a single dactylogyridean monogenean species. {I}t is new to science and described as {C}ichlidogyrus casuarinus sp. nov. {T}his species and {C}. nshomboi and {C}. centesimus, from which it differs by the distal end of the accessory piece of the male apparatus and the length of its heel, are the only {C}ichlidogyrus species with spirally coiled thickening of the penis wall. {I}n {C}ichlidogyrus, this feature was only found in parasites of endemic {T}anganyika tribes. {T}he seemingly speciespoor {C}ichlidogyrus community of {B}athybatini may be attributed to meagre host isolation in open water. {T}he new species infects cichlids that substantially differ phylogenetically and ecologically. {T}his may be an adaptation to low host availability. {C}ichlidogyrus species infecting {A}frican {G}reat {L}ake cichlids are summarized and proposed as model for the influence of host ecology on disease transmission.}, keywords = {{B}athybates ; {H}emibates ; {P}erciformes ; {P}latyhelminthes ; {D}actylogyridea ; {H}ost range ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{EST} ; {GRANDS} {LACS} ; {TANGANYIKA} {LAC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ydrobiologia}, volume = {748}, numero = {1}, pages = {99--119}, ISSN = {0018-8158}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s10750-014-1975-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063978}, }