@article{fdi:010063947, title = {{A}ds package for {R} : a fast unbiased implementation of the k-function family for studying spatial point patterns in irregular-shaped sampling windows}, author = {{P}{\'e}lissier, {R}apha{\¨e}l and {G}oreaud, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {ads is an {R} package that performs multi-scale spatial point pattern analyses through methods derived from {R}ipley's {K}-function. {T}hese methods apply to univariate, multivariate or marked point data mapped in a rectangular, circular or irregular-shaped sampling window. {S}pecific tests of statistical significance based on {M}onte {C}arlo simulations are associated to these methods. {T}he main features of ads is to call fast {C} subroutines for computing {R}ipley's unbiased local correction of edge effects for various sampling window con figurations and for performing {M}onte {C}arlo simulations. {I}t thus allows one to analyze large datasets and to compute robust confidence envelopes. {T}his paper is an introduction to ads version 1.5, focusing on its complementarity with the other {R} packages for spatial point pattern analysis, and on recent original developments towards the introduction of multivariate functions for analyzing spatial pattern of species diversity.}, keywords = {bivariate function ; intertype function ; isotropic edge effects ; correction ; local-density function ; mark-correlation function ; multivariate function ; pair-correlation function ; {R}ao's diversity ; second-order neighborhood analysis ; spatial point pattern analysis ; {S}himatani's alpha ; {S}himatani's beta ; {S}impson's diversity}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {S}tatistical {S}oftware}, volume = {63}, numero = {6}, pages = {1--18}, ISSN = {1548-7660}, year = {2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063947}, }