@article{fdi:010063931, title = {{E}ffect of {E}ucalyptus camaldulensis amendment on soil chemical properties, enzymatic activity, {A}cacia species growth and roots symbioses}, author = {{S}oumare, {A}. and {M}anga, {A}. and {F}all, {S}. and {H}afidi, {M}. and {N}doye, {I}. and {D}uponnois, {R}obin}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study aimed to test the effect of {E}ucalyptus litter on growth, roots symbioses status and nutrition of {S}ahelian acacia's seedlings. {S}angalkam sandy soil was amended with two levels (1 and 5 %) of {E}ucalyptus litter. {A}s control of the effect of litter addition, sandy soil was amended with 1 and 5 % of maize litter. {I}n addition, a control without amendment was established to highlight any changes caused by amendments. {E}ucalyptus litter impact on {A}. senegal, {A}. seyal and {A}. albida was determined by comparing plants grown in amended treatments to plants grown in both control treatments. {R}esults indicated that {E}ucalyptus litter leads to changes in soil p{H} and phenol content. {T}hese changes negatively affect plant growth, their symbiotic status (mycorrhization, nodulation), and their nutrition (leaf chlorophyll content, total carbon, total nitrogen and phosphorus in shoots). {L}ikewise, soil enzymatic activities were modified. {A}cid phosphatase was higher in {E}ucalyptus litter amended soil than in control while alkaline phosphatase was higher in control soil than in {E}ucalyptus litter amended soil. {P}ositive correlations were recorded between roots symbioses and shoots mineral content suggesting that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and {N}-fixing symbiosis promote mineral uptake and storage in leaves. {H}owever, polyphenolic content of added litter was negatively linked to roots symbioses and growth of tested acacias. {R}esults showed also, {E}ucalyptus litter impact on acacias growth was genotype and dose dependent.}, keywords = {{A}cacia ; {E}ucalyptus ; {A}mendment ; {R}hizobia ; {A}rbuscular mycorrhizal fungus}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}groforestry {S}ystems}, volume = {89}, numero = {1}, pages = {97--106}, ISSN = {0167-4366}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s10457-014-9744-z}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063931}, }