@article{fdi:010063925, title = {{C}hrysanthemum low-temperature storage and cryopreservation : a review}, author = {{T}eixiera da {S}ilva, {J}. {A}. and {K}im, {H}. and {E}ngelmann, {F}lorent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}hrysanthemum ({D}endranthema x grandiflora ({R}amat.) {K}itamura) is an ornamental plant that responds well to in vitro growth conditions. {T}his receptivity makes it a particularly attractive target for low-temperature storage and cryopreservation studies. {T}his review examines in detail the protocols thus far used to achieve the short- to long-term low-temperature and cryostorage of important chrysanthemum germplasm. {O}ccasionally, medicinal chrysanthemum species have also been cryostored, and these studies are also examined in detail. {S}ince chrysanthemum is sensitive to both osmotic stress and chemical toxicity of vitrification solutions, a generalized protocol for the cryopreservation of chrysanthemum apical or axillary shoot tips is proposed: excision of apical or axillary shoot tips after 4 or 7 weeks, respectively, from final subculture; progressive preculture with 10 % sucrose for 31 h, 17.5 % sucrose for 17 h, then 25 % sucrose for 7 h; osmoprotection with 17.5 % glycerol + 17.5 % sucrose for 40 min; cryoprotection with {PVS}3 (50 % glycerol + 50 % sucrose) vitrification solution for 60 min (axillary) or 90 min (apical); cooling and warming using aluminium foil strips; unloading with 30 % sucrose for 40 min. {W}hen smaller axillary shoot tips are used, cryoprotection of samples with 37.5 % glycerol + 15 % {DMSO} + 15 % ethylene glycol + 22.5 % sucrose at 0 {A} degrees {C} for about 60 min can be applied.}, keywords = {{C}old storage ; {C}ryostorage ; {E}ncapsulation ; {I}n vitro storage ; {L}iquid nitrogen ; {P}lant growth regulators}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {C}ell {T}issue and {O}rgan {C}ulture}, volume = {120}, numero = {2}, pages = {423--440}, ISSN = {0167-6857}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s11240-014-0641-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063925}, }