@article{fdi:010063923, title = {{CDOM}-{DOC} relationship in contrasted coastal waters : implication for {DOC} retrieval from ocean color remote sensing observation}, author = {{V}antrepotte, {V}. and {D}anhiez, {F}. {P}. and {L}oisel, {H}ubert and {O}uillon, {S}ylvain and {M}eriaux, {X}. and {C}auvin, {A}. and {D}essailly, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}ncreasing our knowledge on dissolved organic carbon ({DOC}) spatio-temporal distribution in the coastal ocean represents a crucial challenge for better understanding the role of these ecosystems in the global oceanic carbon cycle. {T}he assessment of {DOC} concentration from the absorption properties of the colored part of the dissolved organic matter (a(cdom)) was investigated from an extensive data set covering a variety of coastal environments. {O}ur results confirmed that variation in the acdom(412) to {DOC} ratio (a*(cdom)(412)) can be depicted from the {CDOM} spectral slope in the {UV} domain ({S}275-295). {T}hey also evidenced that regional first order variation in both a*(cdom)(412) and {S}275-295 are highly correlated to variation in acdom(412). {F}rom these observations, generalized relationships for estimating a*(cdom)(412) from {S}275-295 or a(cdom)(412) were parameterized from our development sites ({N} = 158; {E}nglish {C}hannel, {F}rench {G}uiana, {H}ai {P}hong {B}ay) and tested against an independent data set covering others coastal regions ({N} = 223; {F}rench {P}olynesia, {R}hone {R}iver estuary, {G}ulf of {M}aine, {C}hesapeake {B}ay, {S}outhern {M}iddle {A}tlantic {B}ight) demonstrating the possibility to derive {DOC} estimates from in situ {CDOM} optical properties with an average accuracy of similar to 16% over very contrasted coastal environments (with {DOC} ranging from 50 to 250 mu mol.{L}-1). {T}he applicability of these generalized approaches was evaluated in the context of ocean color remote sensing observation emphasizing the limits of {S}275-295-based formulations and the potential for a(cdom)-based approaches to represent a compelling alternative for assessing synoptic {DOC} distribution.}, keywords = {{MANCHE} {EST} ; {FRANCE} ; {AUTHIE} {FLEUVE} ; {CANCHE} {FLEUVE} ; {GUYANE} {FRANCAISE} ; {AMAZONE} {FLEUVE} ; {OYAPOCK} {FLEUVE} ; {APPROUAGUE} {FLEUVE} ; {MAHURY} {FLEUVE} ; {KOUROU} {FLEUVE} ; {VIETNAM} ; {HAI} {PHONG} {BAIE} ; {HA} {LONG} {BAIE} ; {FLEUVE} {ROUGE} {DELTA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}ptics {E}xpress}, volume = {23}, numero = {1}, pages = {33--54}, ISSN = {1094-4087}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1364/oe.23.000033}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063923}, }