@article{fdi:010063908, title = {{T}una aggregation and movement from tagging data : a tuna "hub" in the {I}ndian {O}cean}, author = {{H}allier, {J}ean-{P}ierre and {F}onteneau, {A}lain}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he majority of the tuna tagged during the {IOTC} {R}egional {T}una {T}agging {P}roject of the {I}ndian {O}cean ({RTTP}-{IO}) were released in tuna schools associated with tagging vessels (72% of all {RTTP}-{IO} tagged tuna) implementing the {A}ssociated {S}chool {F}ishing {T}echnique ({ASFT}). {T}his fishing technique was first developed off {M}auritania {S}enegal by local pole-and-line vessels in the 1980s. {D}uring the program the {ASFT} was implemented by the two {RTTP}-{IO} tagging vessels over a period of 71/2 months in 2006 and three months in 2007 generating release of 121,068 tuna with a well-balanced species composition between the 3 species tagged (33.3% yellowfin, 39.5% skipjack and 27.2% bigeye). {F}ishing without using any live bait (only lures on the hooks) was also possible and very productive as 56% of all tagged tuna were caught that way, {T}he consequences of using {ASFT} on the results of the {RTTP}-{IO} are presented. {W}hile fishing associated schools ({AS}), 11,016 recaptures of tagged tuna (61% yellowfin, 18% skipjack, 21% bigeye) were registered by the tagging vessels and some tuna were recaptured several times, one tagged skipjack was caught nine times during a period of two months. {T}his paper analyses the contribution of the {ASFT} within the overall {RTTP}-{IO} tagging program and the characteristics of the recoveries of tagged tuna by the tagging vessels fishing {AS}. {T}he quite low level of local recaptures in {AS} fishing underlined a high turn-over of the three species in {AS} in particular, and in this area in general. {T}his place was like a hub for tuna coming in and going out at a high rate, indicating a rapid and good dispersion of the tagged fish into the rest of the population. {T}hese results are compared with recoveries observed in the {A}tlantic {O}cean, where similar tagging operations were carried out in the 1990s, revealing disparate results in the two oceans.}, keywords = {{T}una ; {T}agging ; {A}ssociated school ; {M}ultiple recoveries ; {T}una movements ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {{IO} {T}una tagging}, journal = {{F}isheries {R}esearch}, volume = {163}, numero = {{SI}}, pages = {34--43}, ISSN = {0165-7836}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.fishres.2014.06.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063908}, }