@article{fdi:010063865, title = {{I}nformal settlements in the {S}yrian conflict : urban planning as a weapon}, author = {{C}lerc, {V}al{\'e}rie}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{U}prising and war in {S}yria have induced changes in urban policies towards informal settlements. {S}yrian urban policies in the 2000s set the issue of informal settlements as a priority item in the agenda. {T}he reform of the legislative urban frameworks, designed with international assistance, and new master plans encouraged both their regularization / upgrading and their renewal (destruction / reconstruction). {W}hile competition between these models and objectives delayed decisions and program implementation in {D}amascus, the beginnings of the {A}rab {S}pring elsewhere in the region influenced the orientation of these policies, showing in which different ways urban planning can be used for strategic reasons. {I}nitially, the {S}yrian uprising led to an inflexion of policies towards more social options for regularization. {S}ubsequently, as it developed into an armed conflict, and with the escalation of physical destructions, the urban renewal option was favoured and overlapped military targets. {I}n return, conflict, destruction and displacements have led to put all urban options back on the table for reconsideration, in the prospects of future reconstruction. {T}his article discusses policies towards informal settlements in {S}yria before and during the uprising with a special focus on the case study of urban policies in the metropolitan area of {D}amascus.}, keywords = {{PLANIFICATION} {URBAINE} ; {GUERRE} ; {GUERRE} {CIVILE} ; {POLITIQUE} {URBAINE} ; {REHABILITATION} {DES} {QUARTIERS} ; {QUARTIER} ; {REVOLTE} ; {ARME} ; {REVOLUTION} ; {HABITAT} {SPONTANE} ; {HABITAT} {URBAIN} ; {HABITAT} {INFORMEL} ; {URBANISATION} {INFORMELLE} ; {INTEGRATION} {URBAINE} ; {DEMOLITION} ; {SYRIE} ; {DAMAS}}, booktitle = {{A}rab cities after "{T}he {S}pring"}, journal = {{B}uilt {E}nvironment}, volume = {40}, numero = {1}, pages = {34--51}, ISSN = {0263-7960}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.2148/benv.40.1.34}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063865}, }