@article{fdi:010063849, title = {{O}verlooked impacts and challenges of the new {E}uropean discard ban}, author = {{S}arda, {F}. and {C}oll, {M}arta and {H}eymans, {J}.{J}. and {S}tergiou, {K}.{I}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}iscards are the portion of animal and plant material in the catch that is dumped back at sea. {T}he {C}ommon {F}isheries {P}olicy plan proposed by the {E}uropean {C}ommission for 2014-2020 presents a controversial goal: to enforce the landing of fishing discards as a measure to encourage their reduction. {T}his historical and political decision will shape the future of the fishing exploitation in {E}uropean {S}eas. {D}iscards generated by {E}uropean fleets are not negligible, and its reduction is an ecological, socioeconomical and moral imperative. {H}owever, it must be achieved through the reduction in discards at source and the promotion of selective and non-destructive gears. {W}e argue it is doubtful that this discard ban will result in an effective reduction of discards. {T}he proposed measure may, in fact, negatively affect ecosystems at all levels of biological hierarchy by disregarding the {E}cosystem-{B}ased {A}pproach to {F}isheries and the {P}recautionary {P}rinciple. {I}t could negatively impact several species by increasing fishing mortality, also commercial species if discards are not accounted in the total allowable catch. {C}ommunities preying on discards will likely be affected. {T}he role discards currently play in the energy turnover of current ecosystems will be modified and should be fully evaluated. {T}he landing of discards will likely generate new markets of fishmeal due to the growing demands for marine living resources. {T}he ban will require substantial public investment to deal with technical problems on board and to control and enforce. {T}herefore, this measure should be only implemented after rigorous scientific and technical studies have been developed.}, keywords = {{GESTION} {DES} {PECHES} ; {DROIT} {DE} {LA} {MER} ; {ECONOMIE} {DES} {PECHES} ; {CONSEQUENCE} {ECOLOGIQUE} ; {FONCTIONNEMENT} {DE} {L}'{ECOSYSTEME} ; {POISSON} {MARIN} ; {MORTALITE} ; {GESTION} {DURABLE} ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {EUROPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}ish and {F}isheries}, volume = {16}, numero = {1}, pages = {175--180}, ISSN = {1467-2960}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1111/faf.12060}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063849}, }