@article{fdi:010063839, title = {{C}iprofloxacin oxidation by {UV}-{C} activated peroxymonosulfate in wastewater}, author = {{M}ahdi-{A}hmed, {M}. and {C}hiron, {S}erge}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his work aimed at demonstrating the advantages to use sulfate radical anion for eliminating ciprofloxacin residues from treated domestic wastewater by comparing three {UV}-254 nm based advanced oxidation processes: {UV}/persulfate ({PDS}), {UV}/peroxymonosulfate ({PMS}) and {UV}/{H}2{O}2. {I}n distilled water, the order of efficiency was {UV}/{PDS}>{UV}/{PMS}>{UV}/{H}2{O}2 while in wastewater, the most efficient process was {UV}/{PMS} followed by {UV}/{PDS} and {UV}/{H}2{O}2 mainly because {PMS} decomposition into sulfate radical anion was activated by bicarbonate ions. {CIP} was fully degraded in wastewater at p{H} 7 in 60 min for a [{PMS}]/[{CIP}] molar ratio of 20. {N}ine transformation products were identified by liquid chromatography-high resolution-mass spectrometry allowing for the establishment of degradation pathways in the {UV}/{PMS} system. {S}ulfate radical anion attacks prompted transformations at the piperazinyl ring through a one electron oxidation mechanism as a major pathway while hydroxyl radical attacks were mainly responsible for quinolone moiety transformations as a minor pathway. {S}ulfate radical anion generation has made {UV}/{PMS} a kinetically effective process in removing ciprofloxacin from wastewater with the elimination of ciprofloxacin antibacterial activity.}, keywords = {{S}ulfate radical anion ; {C}iprofloxacin ; {W}astewater ; {UV}/peroxymonosulfate ; {T}ransformation pathways}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}azardous {M}aterials}, volume = {265}, numero = {}, pages = {41--46}, ISSN = {0304-3894}, year = {2014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063839}, }