@article{fdi:010063759, title = {{V}is-{NIR} spectrometry, soil phosphate extraction methods and interactions of soil attributes}, author = {{D}e {O}liveira, {J}.{F}. and {B}rossard, {M}ichel and {C}orazza, {E}.{J}. and {M}archão, {R}.{L}. and {S}iqueira {V}endrame, {P}.{R}. and {R}odrigues {B}rito, {O}. and {G}uimarães, {M}. de {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he objective of this study was to evaluate the relationships between the spectra in the {V}is-{NIR} range and the soil {P} concentrations obtained from the {P}m and {P}rem extraction methods as well as the effects of these relationships on the construction of models predicting {P} concentration in {O}xisols. {S}oil samples’ spectra and their {P}m and {P}rem extraction solutions were determined for the {V}is-{NIR} region between 400 and 2500 nm. {M}ineralogy and/or organic matter content act as primary attributes allowing correlation of these soil phosphorus fractions with the spectra, mainly at wavelengths between 450-550, 900-1100 nm, near 1400 nm and between 2200-2300nm. {H}owever, the regression models generated were not suitable for quantitative phosphate analysis. {S}olubilization of organic matter and reactions during the {PM} extraction process hindered correlations between the spectra and these {P} soil fractions. {F}or {P}rem,, the presence of {C}a in the extractant and preferential adsorption by gibbsite and iron oxides, particularly goethite, obscured correlations with the spectra.}, keywords = {{SOL} ; {PHOSPHORE} ; {METHODE} {D}'{ANALYSE} ; {SPECTROMETRIE} {INFRAROUGE} ; {EXTRACTION} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {CALIBRAGE} ; {MODELISATION} ; {HAUTE} {ALTITUDE} ; {BRESIL} ; {GOIAS} ; {PLANALTINA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Q}uimica {N}ova}, volume = {38}, numero = {3}, pages = {342--350}, ISSN = {0100-4042}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.5935/0100-4042.20150009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063759}, }