@article{fdi:010063681, title = {{T}he potential for crop to wild hybridization in eggplant ({S}olanum melongena ; solanaceae) in southern {I}ndia}, author = {{D}avidar, {P}. and {S}now, {A}. {A}. and {R}ajkumar, {M}. and {P}asquet, {R}{\'e}my and {D}aunay, {M}. {C}. and {M}utegi, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}remise of the study: {I}n {I}ndia and elsewhere, transgenic {B}t eggplant ({S}olanum melongena) has been developed to reduce insect herbivore damage, but published studies of the potential for pollen-mediated, crop-to-wild gene flow are scant. {T}his information is useful for risk assessments as well as in situ conservation strategies for wild germplasm. {M}ethods: {I}n 2010-2014, we surveyed 23 populations of wild/weedy eggplant ({S}olanum insanum; known as wild brinjal), carried out hand-pollination experiments, and observed pollinators to assess the potential for crop-to-wild gene flow in southern {I}ndia. {K}ey results: {W}ild brinjal is a spiny, low-growing perennial commonly found in disturbed sites such as roadsides, wastelands, and sparsely vegetated areas near villages and agricultural fields. {F}ourteen of the 23 wild populations in our study occurred within 0.5 km of cultivated brinjal and at least nine flowered in synchrony with the crop. {H}and crosses between wild and cultivated brinjal resulted in seed set and viable {F}-1 progeny. {W}ild brinjal flowers that were bagged to exclude pollinators did not set fruit, and fruit set from manual self-pollination was low. {T}he exserted stigmas of wild brinjal are likely to promote outcrossing. {T}he most effective pollinators appeared to be bees ({A}megilla, {X}ylocopa, {N}omia, and {H}eterotrigona spp.), which also were observed foraging for pollen on crop brinjal. {C}onclusion: {O}ur findings suggest that hybridization is possible between cultivated and wild brinjal in southern {I}ndia. {T}hus, as part of the risk assessment process, we assume that transgenes from the crop could spread to wild brinjal populations that occur nearby.}, keywords = {brinjal ; crop-wild hybridization ; flowering times ; genetic resources ; {I}ndia ; pollinator observations ; seed set ; {S}olanum insanum ; transgenic ; wild eggplant ; wild germplasm ; {INDE} {SUD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}merican {J}ournal of {B}otany}, volume = {102}, numero = {1}, pages = {129--139}, ISSN = {0002-9122}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.3732/ajb.1400404}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063681}, }