@article{fdi:010063642, title = {{I}nteractive editing of 3{D} geological structures and tectonic history sketching via a rigid element method}, author = {{L}aurent, {G}. and {C}aumon, {G}. and {J}essell, {M}ark}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{N}umerical models of geological structures are generally built with a geometrical approach, which lacks an explicit representation of the deformation history and may lead to incompatible structures. {W}e advocate that the deformation history should be investigated and represented from the very first steps of the modelling process, provided that a series of rapid, interactive or automated, deformation tools are available for local editing, forward modelling and restoration. {I}n this paper, we define the specifications of such tools and emphasise the need for rapidity and robustness. {W}e briefly review the different applications of deformation tools in geomodellirig and the existing deformation algorithms. {W}e select a deformation algorithm based on rigid elements, first presented in the {C}omputer {G}raphics community, which we refer to as {R}eed. {I}t is able to rapidly deform any kind of geometrical object, including points, lines or volumes, with an approximated mechanical behaviour. {T}he objects to be deformed are embedded in rigid cells whose displacement is optimised by minimising a global cost function with respect to displacement boundary conditions. {T}his cost function measures the difference in displacement between neighbouring elements. {T}he embedded objects are then deformed based on their original position with respect to the rigid elements. {W}e present the basis of our implementation of this algorithm and highlight its ability to fulfil the specifications we defined. {I}ts application to geomodelling specific problems is illustrated through the construction of a synthetic structural model of multiply deformed layers with a forward modelling approach. {A} special boundary condition adapted to restore large folds is also presented and applied to the large anticline of {H}an-sur-{L}esse, {B}elgium, which demonstrates the ability of this method to efficiently perform a volumetric restoration without global projections.}, keywords = {3{D} modelling ; {F}old ; {I}nteractive deformations ; {R}igid elements ; {F}orward modelling ; {R}estoration}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}omputers and {G}eosciences}, volume = {74}, numero = {}, pages = {71--86}, ISSN = {0098-3004}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.cageo.2014.10.011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063642}, }