@article{fdi:010063639, title = {{H}uman induced stepping-stone colonisation of an admixed founder population : the spread of topmouth gudgeon ({P}seudorasbora parva) in {E}urope}, author = {{S}imon, {A}. and {G}ozlan, {R}odolphe and {B}ritton, {J}. {R}. and van {O}osterhout, {C}. and {H}anfling, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}iological invasions caused by accidental introductions often result in severe ecological impact. {R}evealing the pattern of spread can clarify processes which drive these types of invasions and therefore help mitigate their impact. {H}ere, based on the genetic structure at five microsatellite loci, we reconstructed the invasion history of the topmouth gudgeon ({P}seudorasbora parva). {T}his small cyprinid fish was introduced from {C}hina in the early 1960s into countries around the {B}lack {S}ea, spreading rapidly throughout {E}urope north, west and southward. {D}istribution of the genetic variation from 14 {E}uropean and one {C}hinese founder population was analysed, revealing possible pathways of spread in {E}urope. {O}verall, the distribution of genetic diversity across populations is strongly correlated to the geographic and temporal spread of {P}. parva across its invasive range. {P}opulations closest to the founder sites had high levels of genetic diversity and little genetic differentiation. {F}urthermore, a pattern of isolation-by-distance was found, which indicates human-mediated stepping-stone colonisation. {T}he data also indicate that the invasive populations originate from recent admixture of divergent source populations with some recently established populations, although the admixture signal has been dampened by strong genetic drift. {T}hese results nevertheless show that despite being a human-mediated invasion, the pattern of spread resembles a natural stepping-stone colonization with a well-defined front of invasion.}, keywords = {{M}icrosatellite ; {A}dmixture ; {I}ntroduction ; {A}lien species ; {B}ottleneck ; {F}ish ; {B}iodiversity ; {EUROPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}quatic {S}ciences}, volume = {77}, numero = {1}, pages = {17--25}, ISSN = {1015-1621}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s00027-014-0374-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063639}, }