@article{fdi:010063630, title = {{F}ishing inside or outside ? {A} case studies analysis of potential spillover effect from marine protected areas, using food web models}, author = {{C}olleter, {M}. and {G}ascuel, {D}. and {A}lbouy, {C}. and {F}rancour, {P}. and {T}ito de {M}orais, {L}uis and {V}alls, {A}. and {L}e {L}oc'h, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}arine protected areas ({MPA}s) are implemented worldwide as an efficient tool to preserve biodiversity and protect ecosystems. {W}e used food web models ({E}copath and {E}co{T}roph) to assess the ability of {MPA}s to reduce fishing impacts on targeted resources and to provide biomass exports for adjacent fisheries. {T}hree coastal {MPA}s: {B}onifacio and {P}ort-{C}ros ({M}editerranean {S}ea), and {B}amboung ({S}enegalese coast), were used as case studies. {P}re-existing related {E}copath models were homogenized and ecosystem characteristics were compared based on network indices and trophic spectra analyses. {U}sing the {E}co{T}roph model, we simulated different fishing mortality scenarios and assessed fishing impacts on the three ecosystems. {L}astly, the potential biomass that could be exported from each {MPA} was estimated. {D}espite structural and functional trophic differences, the three {MPA}s showed similar patterns of resistance to simulated fishing mortalities, with the {B}onifacio case study exhibiting the highest potential catches and a slightly inferior resistance to fishing. {W}e also show that the potential exports from our small size {MPA}s are limited and thus may only benefit local fishing activities. {B}ased on simulations, their potential exports were estimated to be at the same order of magnitude as the amount of catch that could have been obtained inside the reserve. {I}n {P}ort {C}ros, the ban of fishing inside {MPA} could actually allow for improved catch yields outside the {MPA} due to biomass exports. {T}his was not the case for the {B}onifacio site, as its potential exports were too low to offset catch losses. {T}his insight suggests the need for {MPA} networks and/or sufficiently large {MPA}s to effectively protect juveniles and adults and provide important exports. {F}inally, we discuss the effects of {MPA}s on fisheries that were not considered in food web models, and conclude by suggesting possible improvements in the analysis of {MPA} efficiency.}, keywords = {{M}arine protected area ({MPA}) ; {E}copath ; {E}co{T}roph ; {F}ood web model ; {B}iomass exports ; {F}ishing impact ; {FRANCE} ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST} ; {SENEGAL} ; {SINE} {SALOUN} {DELTA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}arine {S}ystems}, volume = {139}, numero = {}, pages = {383--395}, ISSN = {0924-7963}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.07.023}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063630}, }