@article{fdi:010063618, title = {{T}axonomy, host-plant associations and phylogeny of {A}frican {C}rotalaria-feeding seed beetles ({C}oleoptera, {C}hrysomelidae, {B}ruchinae) : the {C}onicobruchus strangulatus ({F}ahraeus) species group}, author = {{L}e {R}ΓΌ, {B}runo and {D}elobel, {A}lax and {G}yorgy, {Z}. and {G}enson, {G}. and {K}ergoat, {G}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} small group of six morphologically related seed beetles ({C}oleoptera: {C}hrysomelidae: {B}ruchinae) belonging to the {C}onicobruchus genus is reviewed. {S}pecies in this group for which host-plants are known feed on various species of {C}rotalaria ({F}abaceae, {C}rotalarieae). {H}ere we provide diagnoses and a dichotomous key for all six species. {T}he following synonymies are proposed: {C}onicobruchus cicatricosus ({F}ahraeus, 1839) (= {B}ruchus cicatricosus pallidioripennis {P}ic, 1941) syn. nov.; {C}onicobruchus strangulatus ({F}ahraeus, 1839) (= {B}ruchus hargreavesi {P}ic, 1933) syn. nov. {T}he corresponding {C}onicobruchus strangulatus species group is hereby designated. {N}ew host-plant data are also included, which correspond to the results of recent collections of legume pods in {E}ast {A}frica. {I}n addition we carried out molecular phylogenetic analyses on a representative sampling of {C}onicobruchus species (including the six species of interest). {T}he latter allow us to assess the monophyly of the group of interest and to unravel their evolutionary relationships. {M}olecular phylogenetic analyses also indicate that at least two lineages of {C}onicobruchus successfully shifted toward {C}rotalarieae during the course of their diversification.}, keywords = {{C}rotalarieae ; host-plants ; molecular phylogenetics ; morphology ; systematics ; {AFRIQUE} ; {KENYA} ; {MALI} ; {TOGO} ; {SENEGAL} ; {ZAMBIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Z}ootaxa}, volume = {3895}, numero = {2}, pages = {238--256}, ISSN = {1175-5326}, year = {2014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063618}, }