@article{fdi:010063595, title = {{A}ssessment of a diatom-based transfer function for the reconstruction of lake-level changes in {B}oqueirao {L}ake, {B}razilian {N}ordeste}, author = {{G}omes, {D}. {F}. and {A}lbuquerque, {A}. {L}. {S}. and {T}organ, {L}. {C}. and {T}urcq, {B}runo and {S}ifeddine, {A}bdelfettah}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}ransfer functions have been developed to quantify the relations between organism assemblages and environmental variables and to apply these models to reconstruct past conditions. {W}e present an assessment of a transfer function developed to reconstruct the depth of {B}oqueirao {L}ake in the {B}razilian {N}ortheast region. {T}his region is affected by the {I}ntertropical {C}onvergence {Z}one and {E}l {N}ino that create rainy and drought periods and that affect lake water level and can cause algal community compositional shifts. {T}o reconstruct an algal depth profile of {B}oqueirao {L}ake, we used diatom calibration data-sets from 72 lake superficial sediment samples. {A}fter excluding rare species (<1%), we developed a transfer function model using sixty species, almost all exclusively benthic. {F}ive environmental variables (silt, clay, p{H}, dissolved oxygen and depth) were also selected. {P}artial {C}anonical {C}orrespondence {A}nalysis indicated that silt and depth have the highest shared effect in terms of partially explained variance and lambda(1)/lambda(2). {T}he reduced set of explanatory variables captured 14.3% of the total variance in diatom distributions. {W}e assess six models to reconstruct past lake levels. {N}o one model generated the best results in all aspects of transfer functions generated to map the water depth, but all reconstructions fall within the range of variation of the system. {A}lthough their results did not converge to a specific depth, they converged for depicting periods of lowered water levels or periods of floods. {T}his convergence suggests that the diatom-based transfer function for the reconstruction of the paleodepth of {B}oqueirao {L}ake is reliable.}, keywords = {{Q}uantitative reconstructions ; {L}ake-level ; {D}iatoms ; {B}razil ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {{C}ontinental and coastal marine records of centennial to millennial changes in {S}outh {A}merican climate since the last glacial maximum}, journal = {{P}alaeogeography {P}alaeoclimatology {P}alaeoecology}, volume = {415}, numero = {no sp{\'e}cial}, pages = {105--116}, ISSN = {0031-0182}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.07.009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063595}, }