@article{fdi:010063544, title = {{I}nfluence of increasing dryness, animal feeding strategy and human hunting on large ungulates abundance : a first approach in {W}est {A}frica}, author = {{G}alat, {G}{\'e}rard and {G}alat-{L}uong, {A}nh and {N}izinski, {G}eorges and {S}kovmand, {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}arge ungulates as primary consumers consume variable proportions of herbaceous and woody plants. {R}ecent climate changes modify the herbaceous/woody plant balance. {T}o test their differential effects on ungulate species abundance, we compared large ungulate feeding strategies with climate change patterns, taking the game preferences of local people into account. {W}e analyzed changes in population density of ten species of large ungulates between two census periods (1990-1993 and 1994-1998) in the {N}iokolo {K}oba {N}ational {P}ark, {S}enegal. {W}e calculated the cumulative precipitation deficit during the 1989-1997 period. {A}dditionally, we conducted an extensive survey of local people's game preferences. {R}esults are: 1- in the period 1989-98 all but one year have been drier than the 1940-98 average; 2- this has a cumulative effect on the dryness of the land i.e. produces a water deficit; 3- this pattern favors the growth of woody plants over herbaceous ones; 4- this favors browsers over grazers; 5- grazers are generally preferred by hunters; 6- grazers are therefore disadvantaged both by the drier climate and by preferential hunting; 7- management in the {N}ational {P}ark should focus on holding back bush encroachment and encouraging the growth of herbaceous plants.}, keywords = {{FAUNE} {SAUVAGE} ; {DIVERSITE} {SPECIFIQUE} ; {ABONDANCE} ; {SECHERESSE} ; {PLUIE} ; {CONTACT} {FORET} {SAVANE} ; {SAVANE} {ARBOREE} ; {HERBIVORE} ; {PREFERENCE} {TROPHIQUE} ; {VARIATION} {PLURIANNUELLE} ; {CHASSE} ; {ONGULE} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST} ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}ussian {J}ournal of {E}cology}, volume = {46}, numero = {1}, pages = {71--80}, ISSN = {1067-4136}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1134/{S}106741361501004{X}}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063544}, }