@article{fdi:010063510, title = {{I}nvolvement of ethylene-responsive micro{RNA}s and their targets in increased latex yield in the rubber tree in response to ethylene treatment}, author = {{P}ramoolkit, {P}. and {L}ertpanyasampatha, {M}. and {V}iboonjun, {U}. and {K}ongsawadworakul, {P}. and {C}hrestin, {H}erv{\'e} and {N}arangajavana, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he rubber tree is an economically important plant that produces natural rubber for various industrial uses. {T}he application of ethylene contributes to increased latex production in rubber trees; however, the molecular biology behind the effects of ethylene on latex yield remains to be elucidated. {R}ecently, the intersection between micro{RNA} (mi{RNA}) regulation and phytohormone responses has been revealed. {I}nsight into the regulation of mi{RNA}s and their target genes should help to determine the functional importance of mi{RNA}s as well as the role of mi{RNA}s in signaling under ethylene stimulation in the rubber tree. {I}n this study, hbr-mi{R}159 and hbr-mi{R}166 were down-regulated in bark under ethylene treatment. {T}he ethylene also down-regulated {ATHB}15-like ({C}lass {III} {H}omeodomain {L}eucine {Z}ipper, {HD}-{ZIP} {III}) which have been extensively implicated in the regulation of primary and secondary vascular tissue pattern formation. {T}he strong negative-regulation of {ARF}6/{ARF}8 caused by hbr-mi{R}167 involved in an attenuation of vascular development and may gradually lead to bark dryness syndrome in the long term ethylene treatment. {T}he negative correlation of hbr-mi{R}172 and its target {REF}3 in the inner soft bark under ethylene treatment results in dramatic increases in latex yield in the ethylene-sensitive clone of the rubber tree. {T}he overall results suggested that the differential expression of {HD}-{ZIP} {III}, mi{R}167/{ARF}6, {ARF}8, and mi{R}172/{REF}3 and related genes may play possible roles in the response to ethylene treatment, resulting in longer latex flow and increased latex yield.}, keywords = {{E}thylene ; {L}atex yield ; {M}icro{RNA}s ; {R}ubber tree ; {COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {P}hysiology and {B}iochemistry}, volume = {84}, numero = {}, pages = {203--212}, ISSN = {0981-9428}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.plaphy.2014.09.016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063510}, }