@article{fdi:010063509, title = {{T}he intercropping cowpea-maize improves soil phosphorus availability and maize yields in an alkaline soil}, author = {{L}atati, {M}. and {B}lavet, {D}idier and {A}lkama, {N}. and {L}aoufi, {H}. and {D}revon, {J}. {J}. and {G}erard, {F}. and {P}ansu, {M}arc and {O}unane, {S}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}im {T}his study assessed whether growing cowpea can increase phosphorus ({P}) availability in the rhizosphere and improve the yield of legume-cereal systems. {I}n alkaline {M}editerranean soils with {P} deficiency, it is assumed that legumes increase inorganic {P} availability. {M}ethods {A} field experiment was conducted at the {S}taoueli experimental station, in {A}lgiers province, {A}lgeria, to compare the growth, grain yield, {P} availability, and {P} uptake by plants with sole-cropped cowpea ({V}igna unguiculata {L}. cv. {M}oh {O}uali) and maize ({Z}ea mays {L}. cv. {ILT}), intercropped cowpea-maize, and fallow. {R}esults {P} availability in the rhizosphere was increased in both sole cropping and intercropping systems compared with fallow. {I}t was highest in intercropping. {T}he increase in {P} availability was associated with (i) significant p{H} changes of the rhizosphere of cowpea in sole cropping and intercropping systems, with the rhizosphere acidification significantly higher in intercropping (-0.73 units) than in sole cropping (-0.42 units); (ii) significant increase in the rhizosphere p{H} of intercropped maize (+0.49 units) compared to fallow; (iii) increased soil respiration ({C}-{CO}2 from microbial and root activity) in intercropping compared with sole cropping and fallow; and (iv) higher efficiency in utilization of the rhizobial symbiosis in intercropping than in sole-cropped cowpea. {C}onclusion {W}ith cowpea-maize intercropping, cowpea increased the {P} uptake, by increasing the {P} availability by rhizosphere p{H} changes in an alkaline soil. {O}verall, this study showed that intercropping cowpea improved the plant biomass and grain yield of maize in this soil.}, keywords = {{P} availability ; {I}ntercropping ; {B}iological {N}-2-fixation ; {R}hizosphere ; acidification ; {ALGERIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant and {S}oil}, volume = {385}, numero = {1-2}, pages = {181--191}, ISSN = {0032-079{X}}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1007/s11104-014-2214-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063509}, }