@book{fdi:010063404, title = {{L}e d{\'e}veloppement du {L}ac {T}chad : situation actuelle et futurs possibles : expertise coll{\'e}giale r{\'e}alis{\'e}e par l'{IRD} {\`a} la demande de la {C}ommission du {L}ac {T}chad. {C}ontributions int{\'e}grales des experts}, author = {{L}emoalle, {J}acques and {M}agrin, {G}. and {N}garessem, {G}.{M}. and {N}gounou {N}atcha, {B}. and {R}aimond, {C}. and {I}ssa, {S}. and {A}madou, {B}. and {D}joret, {D}. and {F}avreau, {G}uillaume and {G}oni, {I}.{B}. and {G}u{\'e}rin, {H}. and {R}eounodji, {F}. and {S}ylvestre, {F}lorence and {W}aziri, {M}. and {A}bdourahamani, {M}. and {B}ouvarel, {M}. and {M}bagogo, {A}. and {M}ugel{\'e}, {R}. and {F}ougou, {H}.{K}. and {W}aziri, {M}.}, editor = {{L}emoalle, {J}acques and {M}agrin, {G}. and {N}garessem, {G}.{M}. and {N}gounou {N}atcha, {B}. and {R}aimond, {C}. and {I}ssa, {S}.}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{LAC} ; {OASIS} ; {SECHERESSE} ; {RESSOURCES} {EN} {EAU} ; {EXPLOITATION} {DES} {RESSOURCES} {NATURELLES} ; {PRESSION} {DEMOGRAPHIQUE} ; {OCCUPATION} {SPATIALE} ; {FILIERE} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {PECHE} ; {ELEVAGE} ; {AGRICULTURE} ; {IRRIGATION} ; {FACTEUR} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {PLUIE} ; {GESTION} {DE} {L}'{ENVIRONNEMENT} ; {CONSERVATION} {DE} {LA} {NATURE} ; {PROTECTION} {DE} {L}'{ECOSYSTEME} ; {DEVELOPPEMENT} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {POLITIQUE} {DE} {DEVELOPPEMENT} ; {STRATEGIE} {DE} {DEVELOPPEMENT} ; {EXPERTISE} ; {CHANGEMENT} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {SERVICE} {ECOSYSTEMIQUE} ; {DEVELOPPEMENT} {DURABLE} ; {POLITIQUE} {DE} {L}'{EAU} ; {GESTION} {DE} {L}'{EAU} ; {POLITIQUE} {DE} {L}'{ENVIRONNEMENT} ; {RECOMMANDATIONS} ; {TCHAD} {LAC}}, address = {{M}arseille}, publisher = {{IRD}}, series = {{E}xpertise {C}oll{\'e}giale}, pages = {638 (sur la cl{\'e} {USB})}, year = {2014}, ISBN = {978-2-7099-1836-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063404}, }