@article{fdi:010063270, title = {{B}iting patterns and host preference of {A}nopheles epiroticus in {C}hang {I}sland, {T}rat {P}rovince, {E}astern {T}hailand}, author = {{R}itthison, {W}. and {T}ainchum, {K}. and {M}anguin, {S}ylvie and {B}angs, {M}.{J}. and {C}hareonviriyaphap, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} study of species diversity of {A}nopheles mosquitoes, biting patterns, and seasonal abundance of important mosquito vectors was conducted in two villages of {C}hang {I}sland, {T}rat {P}rovince, in eastern {T}hailand, one located along the coast and the other in the low hills of the central interior of the island. {O}f 5,399 captured female anophelines, 70.25% belong to the subgenus {C}ellia and remaining specimens to the subgenus {A}nopheles. {F}ive important putative malaria vectors were molecularly identified, including {A}nopheles epiroticus, {A}nopheles dirus, {A}nopheles sawadwongporni, {A}nopheles maculatus, and {A}nopheles minimus. {A}nopheles epiroticus was the most commonly collected species in the coastal site, whereas {A}n. dirus was found to be most abundant in the forest-hill site. {F}rom both locations, a greater number of mosquitoes was collected during the dry season compared to the wet. {A}nopheles epiroticus showed greater exophagic and zoophilic behavior with the highest blood feeding densities occurring between 18:00 and 19:00. {I}n contrast, {A}n. dirus demonstrated an activity peak between midnight and 01:00. {W}e conclude that {A}n. epiroticus and {A}n. dirus, in coastal and inland areas, respectively, appear to be the most epidemiologically important malaria vectors on {C}hang {I}sland. {A}s no studies of vector competency specific to {C}hang {I}sland have been conducted, our conclusions that these two species play a primary role in malaria transmission are based on evidence from other localities in {T}hailand and mainland {S}outheast {A}sia. {T}his information serves as a basis for designing improved vector control programs that target specific species, and if integrated with other interventions could result in the elimination of malaria transmission on the island.}, keywords = {{MOUSTIQUE} ; {VECTEUR} ; {PALUDISME} ; {ABONDANCE} ; {VARIATION} {SAISONNIERE} ; {VARIATION} {JOURNALIERE} ; {PREFERENCE} {TROPHIQUE} ; {HOMME} ; {BETAIL} ; {PIQURE} ; {REPAS} {DE} {SANG} ; {THAILANDE} {EST} ; {TRAT} ; {CHANG} {ILE} ; {KHLONG} {YUAN} ; {KHLONG} {JAO} {LUEAM}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {V}ectors {E}cology}, volume = {39}, numero = {2}, pages = {361--371}, ISSN = {1081-1710}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1111/jvec.12112}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063270}, }