@article{fdi:010063164, title = {{L}ocal initiatives, public policies and the development of tourism in rural {M}orocco : a 15 year perspective on development initiatives in rural tourism}, author = {{B}erriane, {M}. and {M}oizo, {B}ernard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}here are demands and potentials for a promising development of rural tourism in {M}orocco, but due to a lack of organisation up until 2000 ,the of fer has remained limited. {A} tourist boom is currently underway countrywide, with numerous projects developed rather anarchically and involving a multitude of actors with a focus on heritage and local products. {T}his tourism is generating great hopes as a to ol to increase cash income, particularly in marginalised areas. {T}he development of rural tourism requires a territorial approach. {B}ased on several case studies we hypothesise that the success of a rural tourism project is bound to the degree of appropriation by local people. {I}t prompts two questions : (i) what are the relationships and the articulations between top-down and bottom-up initiatives? (ii){I}s this tourism venture conducted according to a territorial logic : are all thestakeholders equally involved in planning, developing and commercial activities across the rural tourism continuum? {T}hese case studies are representative of the national context in terms of actors’ involvement, project planning, partnership, stakeholders, and relationships between initiatives at the regional level. {I}n addition,the provisional conclusions drawn from this can be used to follow further development of this activity.}, keywords = {{TOURISME} ; {COMMERCIALISATION} ; {DEVELOPPEMENT} {RURAL} ; {POLITIQUE} {SECTORIELLE} ; {COOPERATION} {INTERNATIONALE} ; {ONG} ; {PATRIMOINE} {CULTUREL} ; {GOUVERNANCE} ; {DEVELOPPEMENT} {LOCAL} ; {MAROC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {S}cience and {E}ngineering}, volume = {1}, numero = {1}, pages = {19 [en ligne]}, year = {2014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063164}, }