@article{fdi:010063150, title = {{I}ntegrative taxonomy of {A}crapex stem borers ({L}epidoptera : {N}octuidae : {A}pameini) : combining morphology and {P}oisson {T}ree {P}rocess analyses}, author = {{L}e {R}ΓΌ, {B}runo and {C}apdevielle {D}ulac, {C}laire and {T}oussaint, {E}. {F}. {A}. and {C}onlong, {D}. and {V}an den {B}erg, {J}. and {P}allangyo, {B}. and {O}ng'amo, {G}. and {C}hipabika, {G}. and {M}olo, {R}. and {O}verholt, {W}. {A}. and {C}uda, {J}. {P}. and {K}ergoat, {G}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}en morphologically similar species of {A}crapex from eastern and south-eastern {A}frica belonging to the {A}. stygiata and {A}. albivena groups are reviewed. {S}ix species are described as new: {A}. brunneella, {A}. mitiwa, {A}. mpika, {A}. salmona, {A}. sporobola and {A}. yakoba. {T}he {P}oaceae host plants of eight species are recorded; four species, {A}. mitiwa. {A}. subalbissima, {A}. syscia and {A}. yakoba, were found developing exclusively on {I}mperata cylindrica ({L}.) {B}eauv., ({A}ndropogoneae); two species, {A}. sporobola and {A}. salmona, on {I}. cylindrica and {S}porobolus macranthelus {C}hiov. ({Z}oysieae); and {A}. albivena on {I}. cylindrica, {M}iscanthus capensis ({N}ees) {A}ndersson ({A}ndropogoneae) and {C}ymbopogon sp. ({A}ndropogoneae). {A}crapex stygiata larvae developed on {M}. capensis and {C}ymbopogon sp. {T}he host plants of {A}. brunneella and {A}. mpika remain unknown. {W}e also conducted molecular phylogenetics and molecular species delimitation analyses on a comprehensive sample of 49 specimens belonging to nine of the studied species. {M}olecular phylogenetics and molecular species delimitation analyses provided additional evidence of the validity of the six newly described species but also suggested a level of hidden biodiversity for one of them.}, keywords = {{A}crapex ; {I}mperata cylindrica ; molecular phylogenetics ; molecular species delimitation ; {N}octuidae ; phylogenetics ; {P}oaceae}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nvertebrate {S}ystematics}, volume = {28}, numero = {5}, pages = {451--475}, ISSN = {1445-5226}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1071/is13062}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063150}, }