@article{fdi:010063149, title = {{R}ecent trends in the regime of extreme rainfall in the {C}entral {S}ahel}, author = {{P}anthou, {G}. and {V}ischel, {T}. and {L}ebel, {T}hierry}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}ngoing global warming raises the hypothesis of an intensification of the hydrological cycle, extreme rainfall events becoming more frequent. {H}owever, the strong time-space variability of extreme rainfall makes it difficult to detect meaningful trends in the regime of their occurrence for recent years. {U}sing an integrated regional approach, it is shown that over the last 10 years, the {S}ahelian rainfall regime is characterized by a lasting deficit of the number of rainy days, while at the same time the extreme rainfall occurrence is on the rise. {A}s a consequence, the proportion of annual rainfall associated with extreme rainfall has increased from 17% in 1970-1990 to 19% in 1991-2000 and to 21% in 2001-2010. {T}his tends to support the idea that a more extreme climate has been observed over 2001-2010: this climate is drier in the sense of a persisting deficit of rainfall occurrence compared to 1950-1969, while at the same time there is an increased probability of extreme daily rainfall.}, keywords = {{S}ahel ; extreme rainfall ; hydrological cycle intensification ; {SAHEL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {C}limatology}, volume = {34}, numero = {15}, pages = {3998--4006}, ISSN = {0899-8418}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1002/joc.3984}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063149}, }