@article{fdi:010063107, title = {{A}ssociation of {HLA} {C}lass-{I} and inhibitory {KIR} genotypes in gabonese patients infected by chikungunya or dengue type-2 viruses}, author = {{P}etitdemange, {C}. and {W}auquier, {N}. and {J}acquet, {J}. {M}. and {T}heodorou, {I}. and {L}eroy, {E}ric and {V}ieillard, {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {N}atural killer ({NK}) cells provide defense in the early stages of the immune response against viral infections. {K}iller cell immunoglobulin-like receptors ({KIR}) expressed on the surface of {NK} cells play an important role in regulating {NK} cell response through recognition of human leukocyte antigen ({HLA}) class {I} molecules on target cells. {P}revious studies have shown that specific {KIR}/ligand combinations are associated with the outcome of several viral infectious diseases. {M}ethods: {W}e investigated the impact of inhibitory and activating {KIR} and their {HLA}-class {I} ligand genotype on the susceptibility to {C}hikungunya virus ({CHIKV}) and {D}engue virus ({DENV}2) infections. {F}rom {A}pril to {J}uly 2010 in {G}abon, a large outbreak of {CHIKV} and {DENV}2 concomitantly occurred in two provinces of {G}abon ({O}gooue-{L}olo and {H}aut-{O}gooue). {W}e performed the genotypic analysis of {KIR} in the combination with their cognate {HLA}-class {I} ligands in 73 {CHIKV} and 55 {DENV}2 adult cases, compared with 54 healthy individuals. {R}esults: {W}e found in {CHIV}-infected patients that {KIR}2{DL}1 and {KIR}2{DS}5 are significantly increased and decreased respectively, as compared to {DENV}2(+) patients and healthy donors. {T}he combination of {KIR}2{DL}1 and its cognate {HLA}-{C}2 ligand was significantly associated with the susceptibility to {CHIKV} infection. {I}n contrast, no other inhibitory {KIR}-{HLA} pairs showed an association with the two mosquito-borne arboviruses. {C}onclusion: {T}hese observations are strongly suggestive that the {NK} cell repertoire shaped by the {KIR}2{DL}1: {HLA}-{C}2 interaction facilitate specific infection by {CHIKV}.}, keywords = {{GABON}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, volume = {9}, numero = {9}, pages = {e108798 [8 p.]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0108798}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063107}, }