@book{fdi:010062986, title = {{C}ompeting conceptions of customary land rights registration (rural land maps {PFR}s in {B}enin) : methodological, policy and polity issues}, author = {{L}avigne {D}elville, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he formalisation of local or customary land rights is often seen as a means of tackling insecurity of land tenure and encouraging investment. {S}everal tools, such as the {R}ural {L}and {P}lans ({PFR}s) used in {B}enin, seem to resolve the tension between the logic of registering rights in order to increase productivity and the logic of securing complex local rights and reducing conflict. {B}ut while {PFR}s are potentially a good tool for dealing with complexity, current policy debate in {B}enin tends to focus on them as a tool for privatisation. {B}ut given the diversity of local situations and complexity of land rights, a single model of private property will inevitably engender exclusion and conflict, for questionable economic benefits. {W}e can think that what is needed is a pluralist vision, and rights registration procedures that build sustainable links between diverse and evolving local modes of land regulation, on the one hand, and a pluralist legal framework on the other.}, keywords = {{PROPRIETE} {FONCIERE} ; {CARTOGRAPHIE} ; {FONCIER} {RURAL} ; {DROIT} {FONCIER} ; {GESTION} {FONCIERE} ; {REGULATION} ; {DROIT} {COUTUMIER} ; {MILIEU} {RURAL} ; {TENURE} {FONCIERE} ; {PROPRIETE} {PRIVEE} ; {BENIN} ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST}}, address = {{M}ontpellier}, publisher = {{P}{\^o}le {F}oncier}, series = {{L}es {C}ahiers du {P}{\^o}le {F}oncier}, pages = {24}, year = {2014}, ISBN = {979-10-925820-4-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062986}, }