@article{fdi:010062812, title = {{W}hich place for the homeless in {D}elhi ? {S}crutiny of a mobilisation campaign in the 2010 {C}ommonwealth games context}, author = {{D}upont, {V}{\'e}ronique}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he socio-spatial restructuring of {D}elhi was accompanied by large-scale slum demolitions that increased homelessness. {T}his paper focuses on the people made homeless, and their struggle to assert their place in the city. {F}irst, it expounds the context of homelessness in {D}elhi and analyses the mechanisms behind its aggravation. {T}hen, it examines a decisive moment in this struggle: a mobilisation campaign for the homeless' right to shelter, triggered by a tragic eviction during the preparations for the 2010 {C}ommonwealth {G}ames. {T}his research shows that the campaign's success is due to the combination of long-term structural work at the grassroots level and the timely reaction of various connected actors in different spheres (civil society, media, justice) and institutional levels, and how the campaign for the homeless faces several challenges in sustaining its outcomes.}, keywords = {{AGGLOMERATION} {URBAINE} ; {SOCIETE} {URBAINE} ; {MILIEU} {DEFAVORISE} ; {MOUVEMENTS} {SOCIAUX} {URBAINS} ; {BIDONVILLE} ; {SQUATTERISATION} ; {EXCLUSION} {SOCIALE} ; {EXPULSION} ; {POLITIQUE} {URBAINE} ; {ONG} ; {CONDITIONS} {DE} {VIE} ; {PARTICIPATION} {POPULAIRE} ; {DEMOLITION} ; {DROIT} {AU} {LOGEMENT} ; {SANS} {ABRI} ; {RELOGEMENT} ; {INDE} ; {DELHI}}, booktitle = {{D}elhi's margins}, journal = {{S}outh {A}sia {M}ultidisciplinary {A}cademic {J}ournal}, numero = {8}, pages = {en ligne [18 ]}, ISSN = {1960-6060}, year = {2013}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062812}, }