@article{fdi:010062750, title = {{P}henotypic and molecular characterization of plants regenerated from non-cryopreserved and cryopreserved wild {S}olanum lycopersicum {M}ill. seeds}, author = {{Z}evallos, {B}. and {C}ejas, {I}. and {E}ngelmann, {F}lorent and {C}arputo, {D}. and {A}versano, {R}. and {S}carano, {M}.{T}. and {Y}anes, {E}. and {M}artinez-{M}ontero, {M}. and {L}orenzo, {J}.{C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{BACKGROUND}: {B}efore cryopreservation is routinely used, its effect on the trueness-to-type of the regenerated plant material needs to be evaluated. {OBJECTIVE}: {I}n this work, we studied the effect of seed cryopreservation on the phenotypic and molecular characteristics of wild {S}olanum lycopersicum {M}ill. plants. {METHODS}: {T}hirty-five morphological traits of plants regenerated from cryopreserved seeds were compared to those measured on plants regenerated from non-cryopreserved seeds. {RESULT}: {N}o statistically significant differences were observed between cryopreserved and non-cryopreserved samples, either in the first or in the second generation post-liquid nitrogen exposure. {H}owever, at the molecular level, the genetic analyses performed on the second generation plants germinated from control and cryopreserved seeds using 14 nuclear {S}imple {S}equences {R}epeats ({SSR}) markers uncovered some changes in microsatellite length between control and cryopreserved samples. {T}hese results confirm at the botanical phenotype level the effectiveness of seed cryostorage for conservation and regeneration of true-to-type {S}. lycopersicum plants. {CONCLUSION}: {F}urther experiments are required to clarify potential phenotypic effects of the changes observed in the {DNA}.}, keywords = {{TOMATE} ; {PLANTE} {SAUVAGE} ; {SEMENCE} ; {PHENOTYPE} ; {BIOLOGIE} {MOLECULAIRE} ; {MORPHOLOGIE} ; {FLUORESCENCE} ; {ETUDE} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {CRYOPRESERVATION} ; {MICROSATELLITE} ; {ELECTROPHORESE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ryo{L}etters}, volume = {35}, numero = {3}, pages = {216--225}, ISSN = {0143-2044}, year = {2014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062750}, }