@article{fdi:010062724, title = {{U}tilisation et qualification d'un d{\'e}bitm{\`e}tre {\`a} effet doppler ({ADC}) sur une rivi{\`e}re intermittente}, author = {{M}archand, {P}ierre and {S}alles, {C}. and {R}odier, {C}. and {H}ernandez, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {G}ayrard, {E}. and {T}ournoud, {M}. {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{I}ntermittent rivers pose different challenges to stream rating due to high spatial and temporal gradients. {L}ong dry periods, cut by short duration flush flood events explain the difficulty to obtain reliable discharge data, for low flows as well as for floods: problems occur with standard gauging, zero flow period, etc. {O}ur study aims to test the use of an acoustic {D}oppler current meter ({ADC}) for improving stream rating curves in small catchments subject to large variations of discharge, solid transport and high eutrophisation levels. {T}he study is conducted at the outlet of the river {V}ette, a small coastal river (67 km2) located close to the city of {M}ontpellier ({F}rance). {T}he low flow period lasts for more than 6 month; during this period the river flow is sustained by effluents from urban sewage systems, which allows development of algae and macrophytes in the riverbed. {T}he {ADC} device ({S}ontek {ODA}rgonaut {SW}) is a pulsed {D}oppler current profiling system designed for measuring water velocity profiles and levels that are used to compute volumetric flow rates. {I}t is designed for shallow waters (less than 4 meter depth). {I}ts main advantages are its low cost and high accuracy (1% of the measured velocity or 0.05 m/sec, as reported by the manufacturer). {T}he study evaluate the improvement in rating curves in an intermittent flow context and the effect of differences in sensitivity between low and high water level, by comparing mean flow velocity obtained by {ADC} to direct discharges measurements. {T}he study also report long-term use of {ADC} device, by considering effects of biofilms, algae and macrophytes, as well as solid transport on the accuracy of the measurements. {I}n conclusion, we show that the equipment is reliable and is able to provide additional information. {H}owever we show also that it is always difficult to measure low flow.}, keywords = {{ADCP} ; {ADC} ; bottom {ADCP} ; velocity index ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ouille {B}lanche - {R}evue {I}nternationale de l'{E}au}, numero = {5}, pages = {40--46}, ISSN = {0018-6368}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1051/lhb/2014048}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062724}, }