@article{fdi:010062707, title = {{C}ommunity assembly effects shape the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships}, author = {{J}aillard, {B}. and {R}apaport, {A}. and {H}armand, {J}. and {B}rauman, {A}lain and {N}unan, {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} major question in ecology is to know how ecosystem function is affected by the number of species. {A}fter two decades of research, the nature, shape, and causes of the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning remain unresolved. {H}uston (1997) suggested that a statistical sampling effect' for a few dominant species produced the patterns observed in experiments, while {T}ilman et al. (1997a) argued that the observed responses were due to the number of species rather than the properties of a few. {H}ere, we present a general, theoretical and parsimonious model using combinatorial probabilities to describe the assembly effect as a probabilistic process. {O}ur basic assumption is that community function is determined by random drawing from a fixed species pool composed of three classes of species. {T}he species classes differ in their effect on community function and are ordered in a simple dominance hierarchy (subordinate, dominant and super-dominant species). {C}ommunity function is determined by prevalent dominance rules: the dominance by the majority of species mimics the effect of dominant species, i.e. the function is determined by the dominant or super-dominant species class the most numerous within the community; the dominance by the presence of species mimics the effect of keystone species, i.e. the function is determined by the species that is ranked highest in the dominance hierarchy. {T}he model produces significant fits to four experimental data sets obtained for plant and microbial communities, including monotonic and hump-shaped curves. {T}he results indicate that the model gave good fits under both the dominance rules in any data set, suggesting that the random sampling effect provides a parsimonious explanation for the various relationships observed in diversity-ecosystem functioning experiments. {T}he model describes a random assembly process that produces variation in ecosystem functioning in response to number of species selected from a regional species pool composed of several classes of species differing in their ecosystem effects and relative dominance. {T}his simple model reproduces all shapes of diversity-ecosystem functioning relationships reported in the experimental literature. {T}he results suggest that the multi-faceted response of ecosystems to biodiversity may be nothing more than manifestations of random assembly effects and variation in species properties.}, keywords = {assembly process ; biological interactions ; dominance ; keystone ; modelling ; probability ; sampling effect ; theoretical ecology}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}unctional {E}cology}, volume = {28}, numero = {6}, pages = {1523--1533}, ISSN = {0269-8463}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1111/1365-2435.12267}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062707}, }