@article{fdi:010062694, title = {{R}efractory black carbon mass concentrations in snow and ice : method evaluation and inter-comparison with elemental carbon measurement}, author = {{L}im, {S}. and {F}ain, {X}. and {Z}anatta, {M}. and {C}ozic, {J}. and {J}affrezo, {J}. {L}. and {G}inot, {P}atrick and {L}aj, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ccurate measurement of black carbon ({BC}) mass concentrations in snow and ice is crucial for the assessment of climatic impacts. {H}owever, it is difficult to compare methods used to assess {BC} levels in the literature as they are not the same. {T}he single particle soot photometer ({SP}2) method appears to be one of the most suitable to measure low concentrations of {BC} in snow and ice. {I}n this paper, we evaluated a method for the quantification of refractory {BC} (r{BC}) in snow and ice samples coupling the {SP}2 with the {APEX}-{Q} nebulizer. {T}he paper reviews all the steps of r{BC} determination, including {SP}2 calibration, correction for r{BC} particle aerosolization efficiency (75 +/- 7% using the {APEX}-{Q} nebulizer), and treatment of the samples. {I}n addition, we compare the {SP}2 method and the thermal-optical method - {S}unset organic carbon ({OC}) / elemental carbon ({EC}) aerosol analyzer with {EUSAAR}2 protocol - using snow and firn samples with different characteristics from the {G}reenland {S}ummit, the {F}rench {A}lps, the {C}aucasus, and the {H}imalayas. {C}areful investigation was undertaken of analytical artifacts that potentially affect both methods. {T}he {SP}2-based r{BC} quantification may be underestimated when the {SP}2 detection range does not cover correctly the existing size distribution of the sample. {T}hermal-optical {EC} measurements can be underestimated by low filtration efficiency of quartz fiber filter before analysis or dust properties (concentration and type), and overestimated by pyrolyzed {OC} artifacts during {EC} analysis. {T}hese results underline the need for careful assessment of the analytical technique and procedure for correct data interpretation.}, keywords = {{FRANCE} ; {CAUCASE} ; {GROENLAND} ; {NEPAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}tmospheric {M}easurement {T}echniques}, volume = {7}, numero = {10}, pages = {3307--3324}, ISSN = {1867-1381}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.5194/amt-7-3307-2014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062694}, }