@article{fdi:010062689, title = {{C}ovalently linked hopanoid-lipid {A} improves outer-membrane resistance of a {B}radyrhizobium symbiont of legumes}, author = {{S}ilipo, {A}. and {V}itiello, {G}. and {G}ully, {D}jamel and {S}turiale, {L}. and {C}haintreuil, {C}l{\'e}mence and {F}ardoux, {J}o{\¨e}l and {G}argani, {D}. and {L}ee, {H}. {I}. and {K}ulkarni, {G}. and {B}usset, {N}. and {M}archetti, {R}. and {P}almigiano, {A}. and {M}oll, {H}. and {E}ngel, {R}. and {L}anzetta, {R}. and {P}aduano, {L}. and {P}arrilli, {M}. and {C}hang, {W}. {S}. and {H}olst, {O}. and {N}ewman, {D}. {K}. and {G}arozzo, {D}. and {D}'{E}rrico, {G}. and {G}iraud, {E}ric and {M}olinaro, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}ipopolysaccharides ({LPS}s) are major components of the outer membrane of {G}ram-negative bacteria and are essential for their growth and survival. {T}hey act as a structural barrier and play an important role in the interaction with eukaryotic hosts. {H}ere we demonstrate that a photosynthetic {B}radyrhizobium strain, symbiont of {A}eschynomene legumes, synthesizes a unique {LPS} bearing a hopanoid covalently attached to lipid {A}. {B}iophysical analyses of reconstituted liposomes indicate that this hopanoid-lipid {A} structure reinforces the stability and rigidity of the outer membrane. {I}n addition, the bacterium produces other hopanoid molecules not linked to {LPS}. {A} hopanoid-deficient strain, lacking a squalene hopene cyclase, displays increased sensitivity to stressful conditions and reduced ability to survive intra-cellularly in the host plant. {T}his unusual combination of hopanoid and {LPS} molecules may represent an adaptation to optimize bacterial survival in both free-living and symbiotic states.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}ature {C}ommunications}, volume = {5}, numero = {}, pages = {5106}, ISSN = {2041-1723}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1038/ncomms6106}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062689}, }