@article{fdi:010062644, title = {{C}ost-effective enrichment hybridization capture of chloroplast genomes at deep multiplexing levels for population genetics and phylogeography studies}, author = {{M}ariac, {C}{\'e}dric and {S}carcelli, {N}ora and {P}ouzadou, {J}. and {B}arnaud, {A}deline and {B}illot, {C}. and {F}aye, {A}. and {K}ougbeadjo, {A}. and {M}aillol, {V}. and {M}artin, {G}. and {S}abot, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {S}antoni, {S}. and {V}igouroux, {Y}ves and {C}ouvreur, {T}homas}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}iodiversity, phylogeography and population genetic studies will be revolutionized by access to large data sets thanks to next-generation sequencing methods. {I}n this study, we develop an easy and cost-effective protocol for in-solution enrichment hybridization capture of complete chloroplast genomes applicable at deep-multiplexed levels. {T}he protocol uses cheap in-house species-specific probes developed via long-range {PCR} of the entire chloroplast. {B}arcoded libraries are constructed, and in-solution enrichment of the chloroplasts is carried out using the probes. {T}his protocol was tested and validated on six economically important {W}est {A}frican crop species, namely {A}frican rice, pearl millet, three {A}frican yam species and fonio. {F}or pearl millet, we also demonstrate the effectiveness of this protocol to retrieve 95% of the sequence of the whole chloroplast on 95 multiplexed individuals in a single {M}i{S}eq run at a success rate of 95%. {T}his new protocol allows whole chloroplast genomes to be retrieved at a modest cost and will allow unprecedented resolution for closely related species in phylogeography studies using plastomes.}, keywords = {{DNA} probes ; long-range {PCR} ; {M}i{S}eq ; next-generation sequencing ; plastomes ; whole chloroplast sequencing}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {E}cology {R}esources}, volume = {14}, numero = {6}, pages = {1103--1113}, ISSN = {1755-098{X}}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1111/1755-0998.12258}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062644}, }