@article{fdi:010062636, title = {{S}tructural and conformational study of the {O}-polysaccharide produced by the metabolically versatile photosynthetic bacterium {R}hodopseudomonas palustris strain {B}is{A}53}, author = {{S}ilipo, {A}. and {D}i {L}orenzo, {F}. and {D}e {F}elice, {A}. and {V}anacore, {A}. and {D}e {C}astro, {C}. and {G}ully, {D}jamel and {L}anzetta, {R}. and {P}arrilli, {M}. and {G}iraud, {E}ric and {M}olinaro, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}hodopseudomonas palustris is a purple photosynthetic bacterium characterized by a versatile nature and a remarkable ability to adapt to various environments. {I}n this work, we focused our attention to its membrane characteristics and defined the structural and conformational features of the {O}-chain polysaccharide of {LPS} isolated from {R}. palustris strain {B}is{A}53. {T}his strain produces a polymer with a trisaccharide repeating unit characterized by {D}-rhamnose, 3-deoxy-{D}-lyxo-2-heptulosaric acid ({D}ha), and a novel {C}-branched monosaccharide, a 4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-3-{C}-methyl-2-{O}-methyl-alpha-{L}-glucopyranose whose absolute configuration has been determined by a combination of 2{D} {NMR} spectroscopy and molecular mechanic and dynamic simulation.}, keywords = {{R}hodopseudomonas palustris ; {L}ipopolysaccharide ; {C}-branched sugar ; {NMR} ; spectroscopy ; {M}olecular modeling}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}arbohydrate {P}olymers}, volume = {114}, numero = {}, pages = {384--391}, ISSN = {0144-8617}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.08.037}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062636}, }