@article{fdi:010062634, title = {{U}sing molecular, morphological, and palynological evidence to transfer strumpfia maritima to the monotypic tribe {S}trumpfieae ({C}inchonoideae, {R}ubiaceae), and a re-delimitation of the tribe {C}hiococceae}, author = {{P}audyal, {S}. {K}. and {D}elprete, {P}iero and {M}otley, {T}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}trumpfia maritime is a morphologically unique member of the {R}ubiaceae that has held several taxonomic placements for a long time. {I}n the most recent tribal delimitations within the subfamily {C}inchonoideae, {S}trumpfia was included in the tribe {C}hiococceae, based solely on molecular phylogenetic positioning, despite the presence of significant morphological and palynological differences between {S}trumpfia and the other genera of the tribe. {P}revious studies refrained from including {S}trumpfia in the {C}hiococceae because of its numerous morphological and palynological differences, and the inclusion of {S}trumpfia creates a tribe without a single synapomorphy. {O}ur study of genetic divergences among the tribes of the subfamily {C}inchonoideae using trn{L}-{F} data, analyzed using both maximum parsimony and {B}ayesian inference, provides additional evidence for including {S}trumpfia in the monotypic tribe {S}trumpfieae.}, keywords = {{C}hiococceae ; phylogeny ; systematics ; tribal delimitation}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}ystematic {B}otany}, volume = {39}, numero = {4}, pages = {1197--1203}, ISSN = {0363-6445}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1600/036364414x682580}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062634}, }