@article{fdi:010062618, title = {{H}ow tree encroachment and soil properties affect soil aggregate stability in an eroded grassland in {S}outh {A}frica}, author = {{P}odwojewski, {P}ascal and {G}rellier, {S}. and {M}thimkhulu, {S}. and {T}itshall, {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{G}ully erosion and woody plant encroachment are frequently observed in grasslands worldwide. {S}oil aggregate stability is one of the drivers of gully erosion and needs to be studied, especially in the context of both tree encroachment and gully erosion. {T}his study compared the effects of tree encroachment [paperbark thorn; {V}achellia sieberiana ({DC}.) {K}yal. & {B}oatwr. previously called {A}cacia sieberiana {DC}.] and soil surface horizon properties on the aggregate stability (as measured by mean weight diameter, {MWD}) in a degraded semihumid grassland in the {K}wa{Z}ulu-{N}atal province of {S}outh {A}frica. {S}oil properties from under trees ({UT}) and open areas ({OA}) of both an {E}ntisol within deep gullies (locally called dongas) and {A}lfisol from grasslands outside the gullies (grassland). {T}he {MWD} values were higher in the grassland (3.06 +/- 0.21 mm) than in the dongas (1.84 +/- 1.03 mm). {I}n the grassland, the {MWD} was significantly higher in the {OA} than {UT}, associated with more fine roots in the {OA}. {I}n the donga, soil properties {UT} were not significantly different than those in {OA}. {T}he soil aggregate stability showed strong local variability that depends on the age of the donga and the nature of the material that composes the pediments. {I}llite was associated with higher {MWD} values. {T}he presence of interstratified illite-vermiculite located in active donga increases the shrink-swell potential of the aggregates, exacerbating their dispersion reflected in the low {MWD} values measured, especially when {C} and root contents were also low. {T}hese results suggest that the local soil clay mineralogy controls the orientation and extension of gullies rather than soil chemistry, topography, or the size of the drainage area.}, keywords = {{AFRIQUE} {DU} {SUD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}oil {S}cience {S}ociety of {A}merica {J}ournal}, volume = {78}, numero = {5}, pages = {1753--1764}, ISSN = {0361-5995}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.2136/sssaj2013.12.0511}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062618}, }