@article{fdi:010062572, title = {{G}enetic correlations within and between isolated tsetse populations : what can we learn ?}, author = {{D}e {M}eeûs, {T}hierry and {R}avel, {S}ophie and {R}ayaisse, {J}. {B}. and {K}aba, {D}. and {C}ourtin, {F}abrice and {B}ouyer, {J}. and {D}ayo, {G}. {K}. and {C}amara, {M}. and {S}olano, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}solated tsetse populations constitute a target for tsetse control programmes in endemic countries, since their isolation, if demonstrated, allows control without reinvasion risk from neighbouring populations. {P}opulation genetic parameters, such as the fixation index, have proven useful to assess isolation status, and should also give important information on the divergence time since isolation. {W}e gathered results obtained from different datasets regarding several examples of putatively totally isolated tsetse populations of different tsetse species: {G}lossina palpalis gambiensis in {G}uinea, in the {N}iayes of {S}enegal, and in the sacred wood of {B}ama in {B}urkina {F}aso; {G}. tachinoides from {B}itou and {P}ama in {S}outh-{E}ast {B}urkina {F}aso. {T}he different levels of isolation were compared to differentiation between the two subspecies {G}. p. gambiensis and {G}. p. palpalis which both occur allopatrically along the {C}omoe {R}iver in {I}vory {C}oast. {W}e also use some historical evidence to calibrate differentiation speed and give estimates of time since separation for the different cases studied. {D}iscrepancies mostly come from underestimate of effective population sizes, and we propose improving sampling design and genetic markers quality to circumvent such caveats.}, keywords = {{T}setse flies ; {W}est {A}frica ; {P}opulation genetics ; {F}ixation indices ; {D}ivergence time ; {GUINEE} ; {SENEGAL} ; {BURKINA} {FASO} ; {COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE} ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}cta {T}ropica}, volume = {138}, numero = {{S}}, pages = {{S}6--{S}11}, ISSN = {0001-706{X}}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.actatropica.2014.03.004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062572}, }