@article{fdi:010062566, title = {{I}njection tests at the {EGS} reservoir of {S}oultz-sous-{F}orets. {S}eismic response of the {GPK}4 stimulations}, author = {{C}alo, {M}. and {D}orbath, {C}atherine and {F}rogneux, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {E}uropean {E}nhanced {G}eothermal {S}ystem ({EGS}) program of {S}oultz-sous-{F}orets is organized around three wells ({GPK}2, {GPK}3, and {GPK}4) drilled to a depth of about 5000 m. {H}ydraulic stimulations were performed in order to increase the injectivity of the reservoir and the connectivity among the wells. {T}he stimulation of {GPK}4 was carried out in two stages, in {S}eptember 2004 and in {F}ebruary 2005, followed by an acidification test performed in {M}arch 2005. {T}he stimulations produced fewer induced events than those of the other wells, with interpretation remaining difficult. {I}n this work we present some new observations on the seismicity of the {GPK}4 stimulations after a complete review of the seismic bulletins collected in 2004 and 2005. {F}urthermore, the events were relocated using the double difference method. {T}he new images of the seismicity are presented in temporal sequences according to the main variations of the injection parameters. {T}he seismic events that occurred during the 2004 stimulation are grouped in a dense cloud and centered on the well open-hole section, while in 2005 seismicity depicts a specific pattern suggesting that the "natural" stress field in the reservoir was not completely restored. {F}inally, the events recorded during the acidified test show that the reservoir behaved differently from the previous injections, which suggests that a different mechanism has controlled the induced seismicity.}, keywords = {{I}nduced seismicity ; {E}nhanced {G}eothermal {S}ystem ; {S}oultz-sous-{F}orets ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eothermics}, volume = {52}, numero = {{SI}}, pages = {50--58}, ISSN = {0375-6505}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.geothermics.2013.10.007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062566}, }