@article{fdi:010062561, title = {{H}ealth hazard prospecting by modeling wind transfer of metal-bearing dust from mining waste dumps : application to {J}ebel {R}essas {P}b-{Z}n-{C}d abandoned mining site ({T}unisia)}, author = {{G}horbel, {M}. and {M}unoz, {M}arguerite and {S}olmon, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his work presents a modeling approach to simulate spatial distribution of metal contamination in aerosols with evaluation of health hazard. {T}his approach offers the advantage to be non-intrusive, less expensive than sampling and laboratory analyses. {I}t was applied to assess the impact of metal-bearing dust from mining wastes on air quality for a nearby community and agricultural lands in {J}ebel {R}essas ({T}unisia) locality. {D}ust emission rates were calculated using existing parameterization adapted to the contamination source composed of mining wastes. {M}etal concentrations were predicted using a {G}aussian model (fugitive dust model) with, as input: emission rates, dump physical parameters and meteorological data measured in situ for 30 days in summertime. {M}etal concentration maps were built from calculated {PM}10 particle concentrations. {T}hey evidence the areas where {P}b and {C}d concentrations exceeded {WHO} guidelines (0.5 and 0.005 {A} mu g/m(3), respectively). {M}aximum concentrations of {P}b and {C}d in {PM}10 are, respectively, of 5.74 and 0.0768 {A} mu g/m(3) for measured wind speed values up to 22 m/s. {P}referential areas of contamination were determined in agricultural lands to the {NW} from the source dump where {P}b and {C}d exceeded guidelines up to a distance of 1,200 m. {T}he secondary spreading directions were {SW} and {E}, toward the village. {H}ealth hazard prospecting shown that a major part of the village was exposed to contaminated dust and that daily hazard quotient ({HQ}) values reached locally 118 and 158, respectively, for {P}b and {C}d during the study period. {H}owever, {HQ} variations in the village are high, both temporally and geographically.}, keywords = {{D}ust ; {M}etals ; {M}ining wastes ; {T}ransfer modeling ; {A}ir quality ; {H}ealth hazard ; {TUNISIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {G}eochemistry and {H}ealth}, volume = {36}, numero = {5}, pages = {935--951}, ISSN = {0269-4042}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1007/s10653-014-9610-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062561}, }