@article{fdi:010062522, title = {{P}rofitability and opportunity of conservation agriculture in acid savannah grasslands of {L}aos}, author = {{L}ienhard, {P}. and {P}anyasiri, {K}. and {S}ayphoummie, {S}. and {L}eudphanane, {B}. and {L}estrelin, {G}uillaume and {S}eguy, {L}. and {T}ivet, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n north-eastern {L}aos, the savannah grasslands of the {P}lain of {J}ars cover vast areas of potentially cultivable land. {H}owever, soil acidity, low inherent fertility, and the absence of alternatives to tillage represent significant constraints to the development of sustainable smallholder agriculture. {O}ur objective was to evaluate the potential for conservation agriculture ({CA}) to enhance soil productivity and farming system profitability. {A} three-year rotation of rice/maize/soybean was tested under three fertilization levels and four agricultural systems: one conventional tillage-based ({CT}) system and three {CA} systems based on no-tillage with cover crops. {A}fter four cropping seasons, our results show that, compared with {CT}, {CA} systems led to similar-to-higher grain production, similar-to-higher profits, higher opportunity of livestock system intensification, and higher labour productivity regardless of fertilization levels. {W}hile {CA} represents a relevant alternative to current practices, our results suggest that its contribution to the emergence of a sustainable smallholder agriculture is conditioned by broader institutional transformations, including the enrolment of local manufacturers and traders for deploying no-till implements and seed market channels for cover crops, long-term public support to maintain active research and technical mentoring to farmers, and possibly the integration of ecosystem services in agricultural policy.}, keywords = {acid tropical soils ; no-till ; cover crops ; soil productivity ; system profitability ; rainfed agriculture ; crop-livestock systems ; smallholders ; two-wheel tractors ; scaling-up conditions ; {LAOS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {A}gricultural {S}ustainability}, volume = {12}, numero = {4}, pages = {391--406}, ISSN = {1473-5903}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1080/14735903.2013.806419}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062522}, }