@article{fdi:010062508, title = {{W}eight as predictors of clinical progression and treatment failure : results from the {TREAT} {A}sia pediatric {HIV} observational database}, author = {{K}ariminia, {A}. and {D}urier, {N}. and {J}ourdain, {G}onzague and {S}aghayam, {S}. and {D}o, {C}. {V}. and {N}guyen, {L}. {V}. and {H}ansudewechakul, {R}. and {L}umbiganon, {P}. and {C}hokephaibulkit, {K}. and {T}ruong, {K}. {H}. and {S}irisanthana, {V}. and {U}ng, {V}. and {V}onthanak, {S}. and {A}nanworanich, {J}. and {Y}usoff, {N}. {K}. {N}. and {K}urniati, {N}. and {R}azali, {K}. {A}. and {F}ong, {M}. {S}. and {N}allusamy, {R}. and {W}ati, {D}. {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjective: {T}o evaluate the value of time-updated weight and height in predicting clinical progression, and immunological and virological failure in children receiving combination antiretroviral therapy (c{ART}). {M}ethods: {W}e used {C}ox regression to analyze data of a cohort of {A}sian children. {R}esults: {A} total of 2608 children were included; median age at c{ART} was 5.7 years. {T}ime-updated weight for age z score, 23 was associated with mortality ({P} < 0.001) independent of {CD}4% and < -2 was associated with immunological failure ({P} <= 0.03) independent of age at c{ART}. {C}onclusions: {W}eight monitoring provides useful data to inform clinical management of children on c{ART} in resource-limited settings.}, keywords = {{HIV} ; cohort ; pediatric ; z score ; disease progression ; {CAMBODGE} ; {INDE} ; {INDONESIE} ; {MALAISIE} ; {THAILANDE} ; {VIET} {NAM}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}aids.{J}ournal of {A}cquired {I}mmune {D}eficiency {S}yndromes}, volume = {67}, numero = {1}, pages = {71--76}, ISSN = {1525-4135}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1097/{QAI}.0000000000000227}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062508}, }