@article{fdi:010062489, title = {{I}nteractive plant identification based on social image data}, author = {{J}oly, {A}. and {G}oeau, {H}. and {B}onnet, {P}. and {B}akic, {V}. and {B}arbe, {J}. and {S}elmi, {S}. and {Y}ahiaoui, {I}. and {C}arre, {J}. and {M}ouysset, {E}. and {M}olino, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {B}oujemaa, {N}. and {B}arth{\'e}lemy, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}peeding up the collection and integration of raw botanical observation data is a crucial step towards a sustainable development of agriculture and the conservation of biodiversity. {I}nitiated in the context of a citizen sciences project, the main contribution of this paper is an innovative collaborative workflow focused on image-based plant identification as a mean to enlist new contributors and facilitate access to botanical data. {S}ince 2010, hundreds of thousands of geo-tagged and dated plant photographs were collected and revised by hundreds of novice, amateur and expert botanists of a specialized social network. {A}n image-based identification tool - available as both a web and a mobile application - is synchronized with that growing data and allows any user to query or enrich the system with new observations. {A}n important originality is that it works with up to five different organs contrarily to previous approaches that mainly relied on the leaf. {T}his allows querying the system at any period of the year and with complementary images composing a plant observation. {E}xtensive experiments of the visual search engine as well as system-oriented and user-oriented evaluations of the application show that it is already very helpful to determine a plant among hundreds or thousands of species. {A}t the time of writing, the whole framework covers about half of the plant species living in {F}rance (2200 species), which already makes it the widest existing automated identification tool (with its imperfections).}, keywords = {{P}lant ; {I}dentification ; {I}mages ; {V}isual ; {R}etrieval ; {S}ocial network ; {C}ollaborative ; {C}rowdsourcing ; {C}itizen science ; {M}ulti-organ ; {L}eaf ; {F}lower ; {B}ark ; {F}ruit ; {E}cology ; {S}urveillance ; {M}onitoring ; {M}ultimedia ; {C}omputer vision ; {B}otanist}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cological {I}nformatics}, volume = {23}, numero = {{SI}}, pages = {22--34}, ISSN = {1574-9541}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecoinf.2013.07.006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062489}, }