@article{fdi:010062460, title = {{T}ransport, sorption and degradation of atrazine in two clay soils from {M}exico : {A}ndosol and {V}ertisol}, author = {{P}rado, {B}. and {D}uwig, {C}{\'e}line and {H}idalgo, {C}. and {M}uller, {K}. and {M}ora, {L}. and {R}aymundo, {E}. and {E}tchevers, {J}. {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}lthough atrazine has been banned in the {E}uropean {U}nion, it is still one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. {I}t is has been detected in surface and groundwater and has been shown to be associated with major human health problems. {A}trazine fate in the environment, e.g. sorption, leaching and degradation depends, inter alia, on soil characteristics. {I}ndependent static and dynamic experiments were conducted to identify and uncouple the processes governing the fate of atrazine. {T}wo agricultural soils from {M}exico with contrasting characteristics in terms of organic matter content and degree of decomposition as well as clay types were selected. {S}oil organic matter was the main sorbent for atrazine, followed by montmorillonite clays in the {V}ertisol, and iron oxides and allophanes in the {A}ndosol. {H}umic acids were predominant in the {A}ndosol's organic matter and favored atrazine sorption, compared to more recalcitrant organic matter such as humin fractions in the {V}ertisol. {A}trazine mobility was enhanced because of the occurrence of preferential flow in the upper layer of the {V}ertisol and because of the formation of mobile complexes between dissolved organic carbon and atrazine in the {A}ndosol. {O}ur detailed soil characterization and the independent sorption, degradation and transfer experiments allowed identifying the main processes affecting atrazine's fate in the two contrasting soils: {I}n the {V}ertisol, preferential flow was enhanced because of the lower affinity of the soil's organic matter for atrazine compared to the {A}ndosol. {T}he application of atrazine to {V}ertisol soils poses a higher risk for groundwater contamination than its application to {A}ndosols.}, keywords = {{A}trazine ; {A}ndosol ; {V}ertisol ; {A}llophanes ; {M}ontmorillonite ; {O}rganic matter ; {S}oil p{H} ; {MEXIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eoderma}, volume = {232}, numero = {}, pages = {628--639}, ISSN = {0016-7061}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.06.011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062460}, }