@article{fdi:010062455, title = {{D}efensive behaviour of {A}pis mellifera against {V}espa velutina in {F}rance : testing whether {E}uropean honeybees can develop an effective collective defence against a new predator}, author = {{A}rca, {M}. and {P}apachristoforou, {A}. and {M}ougel, {F}. and {R}ortais, {A}. and {M}onceau, {K}. and {B}onnard, {O}. and {T}ardy, {P}. and {T}hierye, {D}. and {S}ilvain, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {A}rnold, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e investigated the prey-predator interactions between the {E}uropean honeybee, {A}pis mellifera, and the invasive yellow-legged hornet, {V}espa velutina, which first invaded {F}rance in 2004 and thereafter spread to neighbouring {E}uropean countries ({S}pain, {P}ortugal and {I}taly). {O}ur goal was to determine how successfully honeybees are able to defend their colonies against their new predator in {E}urope. {E}xperiments were conducted in the southwest of {F}rance the point of entry of the hornet in {E}urope under natural and semi-controlled field conditions. {W}e investigated a total of eight apiaries and 95 colonies subjected to either low or high levels of predation. {W}e analyzed hornet predatory behaviour and collective response of colonies under attack. {T}he results showed that {A}. mellifera in {F}rance exhibit an inefficient and unorganized defence against {V}. velutina, unlike in other regions of {E}urope and other areas around the globe where honeybees have co-evolved with their natural {V}espa predators.}, keywords = {{V}espa velutina ; {I}nvasive species ; {D}efensive behaviour ; {A}pis mellifera ; {P}redation ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ehavioural {P}rocesses}, volume = {106}, numero = {}, pages = {122--129}, ISSN = {0376-6357}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.beproc.2014.05.002}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062455}, }