@article{fdi:010062445, title = {{A}nalyzing the 2010-2011 {L}a {N}ina signature in the tropical {P}acific sea surface salinity using in situ data, {SMOS} observations, and a numerical simulation}, author = {{H}asson, {A}. and {D}elcroix, {T}hierry and {B}outin, {J}. and {D}ussin, {R}. and {B}allabrera-{P}oy, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he tropical {P}acific {O}cean remained in a {L}a {N}ina phase from mid-2010 to mid-2012. {I}n this study, the 2010-2011 near-surface salinity signature of {ENSO} ({E}l {N}ino-{S}outhern {O}scillation) is described and analyzed using a combination of numerical model output, in situ data, and {SMOS} satellite salinity products. {C}omparisons of all salinity products show a good agreement between them, with a {RMS} error of 0.2-0.3 between the thermosalinograph ({TSG}) and {SMOS} data and between the {TSG} and model data. {T}he last 6 months of 2010 are characterized by an unusually strong tripolar anomaly captured by the three salinity products in the western half of the tropical {P}acific. {A} positive {SSS} anomaly sits north of 10 degrees {S} (>0.5), a negative tilted anomaly lies between 10 degrees {S} and 20 degrees {S} and a positive one south of 20 degrees {S}. {I}n 2011, anomalies shift south and amplify up to 0.8, except for the one south of 20 degrees {S}. {E}quatorial {SSS} changes are mainly the result of anomalous zonal advection, resulting in negative anomalies during {E}l {N}ino (early 2010), and positive ones thereafter during {L}a {N}ina. {T}he mean seasonal and interannual poleward drift exports those anomalies toward the south in the southern hemisphere, resulting in the aforementioned tripolar anomaly. {T}he vertical salinity flux at the bottom of the mixed layer tends to resist the surface salinity changes. {T}he observed basin-scale {L}a {N}ina {SSS} signal is then compared with the historical 1998-1999 {L}a {N}ina event using both observations and modeling.}, keywords = {{PACIFIQUE} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch.{O}ceans}, volume = {119}, numero = {6}, pages = {3855--3867}, ISSN = {2169-9275}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1002/2013jc009388}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062445}, }