@article{fdi:010062444, title = {{A} modeling study of the processes of surface salinity seasonal cycle in the {B}ay of {B}engal}, author = {{A}khil, {V}. {P}. and {D}urand, {F}abien and {L}engaigne, {M}atthieu and {V}ialard, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me and {K}eerthi, {M}. {G}. and {G}opalakrishna, {V}. {V}. and {D}eltel, {C}. and {P}apa, {F}abrice and {M}ontegut, {C}. {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n response to the {I}ndian {M}onsoon freshwater forcing, the {B}ay of {B}engal exhibits a very strong seasonal cycle in sea surface salinity ({SSS}), especially near the mouths of the {G}anges-{B}rahmaputra and along the east coast of {I}ndia. {I}n this paper, we use an eddy-permitting (similar to 25 km resolution) regional ocean general circulation model simulation to quantify the processes responsible for this {SSS} seasonal cycle. {D}espite the absence of relaxation toward observations, the model reproduces the main features of the observed {SSS} seasonal cycle, with freshest water in the northeastern {B}ay, particularly during and after the monsoon. {T}he model also displays an intense and shallow freshening signal in a narrow (similar to 100 km wide) strip that hugs the east coast of {I}ndia, from {S}eptember to {J}anuary, in good agreement with high-resolution measurements along two ships of opportunity lines. {T}he mixed layer salt budget confirms that the strong freshening in the northern {B}ay during the monsoon results from the {G}anges-{B}rahmaputra river discharge and from precipitation over the ocean. {F}rom {S}eptember onward, the {E}ast {I}ndia {C}oastal {C}urrent transports this freshwater southward along the east coast of {I}ndia, reaching the southern tip of {I}ndia in {N}ovember. {T}he surface freshening results in an enhanced vertical salinity gradient that increases salinity of the surface layer by vertical processes. {O}ur results reveal that the erosion of the freshwater tongue along the east coast of {I}ndia is not driven by northward horizontal advection, but by vertical processes that eventually overcome the freshening by southward advection and restore {SSS} to its premonsoon values. {T}he salinity-stratified barrier layer hence only acts as a "barrier" for vertical heat fluxes, but is associated with intense vertical salt fluxes in the {B}ay of {B}engal.}, keywords = {{OCEAN} {INDIEN} ; {BENGALE} {GOLFE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch.{O}ceans}, volume = {119}, numero = {6}, pages = {3926--3947}, ISSN = {2169-9275}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1002/2013jc009632}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062444}, }