@article{fdi:010062442, title = {{A} two-magma chamber model as a source of deformation at {G}rimsvotn {V}olcano, {I}celand}, author = {{R}everso, {T}. and {V}andemeulebrouck, {J}. and {J}ouanne, {F}. and {P}inel, {V}irginie and {V}illemin, {T}. and {S}turkell, {E}. and {B}ascou, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{G}rimsvotn {V}olcano is the most active volcano in {I}celand, and its last three eruptions were in 1998, 2004, and 2011. {H}ere we analyze the displacement around {G}rimsvotn during these last three eruptive cycles using 10 {GPS} stations. {T}he observed displacements in this region generally contain a linear component of tectonic and glacio-isostatic origin, in agreement with the previously estimated values of plate motions and vertical rebound. {L}arger amplitude deformation observed close to {G}rimsvotn at the {GFUM} continuous {GPS} station clearly reflects a major volcanic contribution superimposed on a tectonic component. {W}e estimate and subtract the tectonic trend at this station using regional observed displacement. {T}he direction and pattern of the residual volcanic displacement (for coeruptive and intereruptive periods) are consistent for all three of these eruptive cycles. {T}he posteruptive inflation is characterized by an exponential trend, followed by a linear trend. {I}n this study, we explain this temporal behavior using a new analytic model that has two connected magma chambers surrounded by an elastic medium and fed by a constant basal magma inflow. {D}uring the early posteruptive phase, pressure readjustment occurs between the two reservoirs, with replenishment of the shallow chamber from the deep chamber. {A}fterward, due to the constant inflow of magma into the deep reservoir, the pressurization of the system produces linear uplift. {A} large deep reservoir favors magma storage rather than surface emission. {B}ased on displacement measured at {GFUM} station, we estimate an upper limit for the radius of the deep reservoir of similar to 10 km.}, keywords = {dder sete ; {ISLANDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch.{S}olid {E}arth}, volume = {119}, numero = {6}, pages = {4666--4683}, ISSN = {2169-9313}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1002/2013jb010569}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062442}, }